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Wanted: African bird songs


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I may have asked this question before. I usually have my computer sound turned off. Can't stand all that "you've got mail" nonesense. However, with it turned on this morning I finally noticed the amazing bird sounds that Matt loaded onto the forums page. There is nothing that brings me back to Africa like the call of their birds. We have nothing near to them in the midwest. I would love to have specifically African bird calls/songs on my iPod to put me to sleep at night. I'm looking for just the bird calls.....none of that sappy music overlay. Does anyone have a source? I've had very little luck finding any that can be downloaded to my iPod.




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I don't know why but the safaritalk url link icon changed the url I input and I can't just cut and paste it here. So I'll try to type it instead. It is a link to a collection of sounds specific to African birds and downloading is free. I use these in my iPhone all the time. Hope the link works. Uh oh, it didn't. So just use the link in my first post and add the following to the url:



Edited by ovenbird
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