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@Alice Bell, no I don't , I have one but it is just too much trouble to take it with me, particularly some of the destinations I have been visiting recently. A bean bag is useful sometimes but in the main I rely on a firm hand, IS (Canon) and hope for the best. I also have a monopod which I should use more than I do. I have done a couple of trips with a top notch U.S. wildlife photographer and he never uses a tripod, I think most of the excellent  ST photographers who use this site would in the main not use one either. Some lodges are starting to provide gimbal type mounts in their vehicles, but not many at the moment. It is an element of my photographic development I may explore in the future if I can find a location likely to give me the time and quality of sightings needed to make the use of a tripod viable. I would be interested to know what prompted your question. Thanks. 

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Alice Bell
On 6/30/2019 at 6:52 PM, johnweir said:

@Alice Bell, no I don't , I have one but it is just too much trouble to take it with me, particularly some of the destinations I have been visiting recently. A bean bag is useful sometimes but in the main I rely on a firm hand, IS (Canon) and hope for the best. I also have a monopod which I should use more than I do. I have done a couple of trips with a top notch U.S. wildlife photographer and he never uses a tripod, I think most of the excellent  ST photographers who use this site would in the main not use one either. Some lodges are starting to provide gimbal type mounts in their vehicles, but not many at the moment. It is an element of my photographic development I may explore in the future if I can find a location likely to give me the time and quality of sightings needed to make the use of a tripod viable. I would be interested to know what prompted your question. Thanks. 

real pro!

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