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1 hour ago, Levante said:

I suppose this is a bird of prey, but which kind ?


Peter ID your other birds, the bird of prey is a Tawny Eagle. 

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Day 21 - Ohange Namibia Lodge / Namutoni gate - Km.172


After a very reach breakfast we left Ohange and we stopped at Lake Oshikoto. It is one of the 2 natural lakes existing in Namibia and inside it there is war material (guns, cannons and so on) threw away by german troops before surrending during 1st world war.



At the junction between B1 and the road which goes to Namutoni gate we gave a ride to a young girl which had to reach the Etosha park. She told us she worked at the curio shop of Namutoni gate.

I'm wandering if each day she has to count on people giving her a ride to reach her job.


At lunch time we already reached Onguma Bush Camp. We relaxed near the pool and at 5 pm we left for a game drive.

We were lucky since we saw a group of lions.











Another wonderful african sunset.




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16 minutes ago, xelas said:


Peter ID your other birds, the bird of prey is a Tawny Eagle. 


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55 minutes ago, PeterHG said:

Great report to read especially because we are going to visit some of the same areas in February next year. It’s a shame the River Dance lodge was a disappointment, but the Mahangu game reserve sounds like my cup of tea! Apart from the ( stunning) Carmine Bee-eater and the Vultures your photos are: Lilac- breasted Roller, Swallow-tailed Bee-eater and Red- billed Quelea. Thanks for sharing all this info!



Thanks @PeterHG

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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 21 - Namutoni gate / Okaukuejo Camp - Km.210


Namutoni opened at 6.30 and we were the third in line. It was a very very windy day so, even if it was sunny, the sky was grey because of the lot of dust in the air.

We started from Chudob waterhole and immediately we saw a lion. The strange thing was that the lion had a collar (I learned afterwards that there is a project relevant to lions inside Etosha)


In this picture it is clearly visible the strong wind



The lion was upset and it moved to a quieter place



We continued with a stopover in quite all waterholes along the road: Kalkeuwel, Ngobib, Springbokfontein.



Then we took the Elands Drive which was in bad conditions and we had very few sightseeing along that road.


We stopped in Halali to eat our breakfast box :D


After lunch we continued visiting Rietfontein (where we saw a lot of animals, including elephant)






We continued to Charitsaub, Salvadora, Sueda and Homob.  We liked very much the landscapes of this part of the park.


We started the day with a lion and we finished with a lion...we stayed a lot to see that lion because we thought it would have chased. The lion was crouched and a group of zebra passed very close to her, but she didn't react ! May be she had already eaten :-)





We arrived at Okaukuejo at around 6 pm, just the time to check in and go to the waterhole to see an incredible show. Sorry for so many pictures, but I wanted to share with you that sunset










All the pictures haven't been developped yet, therefore the quality will be improved a little bit in post production.


After dinner we came back again to the waterhole and we saw lions, jackals and rhinos.

It was quite an intense day.



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Wow, that dust really made for a magnificent sunset, and the elephants didn't hurt either!

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@Levantethanks so much for continuing with your TR. Your notes on the itinerary and accommodation are very helpful.

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The nature did give you a special show at Okakuejo waterhole, with the animals and the spotlight! Dust in the air is good for sunset photos but bad for wildlife photos thus I prefer April/May.

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25 minutes ago, xelas said:

The nature did give you a special show at Okakuejo waterhole, with the animals and the spotlight! Dust in the air is good for sunset photos but bad for wildlife photos thus I prefer April/May.


I also would have preferred spring time for many reasons: beautiful sky, clean air, less crowd, better prices, but for us it is quite impossible to have vacation in that period.....:(

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Day 23 - Okaukuejo Camp / Okonjima - Km.342


During the night rained a lot and in the morning was still raining, this was the situation a Okaukuejo Camp. These pictures have been taken after breakfast when the tents which were in the foreground, where you see the water, had already been taken away.





As told we scheduled just one night in Etosha since we had already been to Africa many times and saw several parks.


That morning we didn't see many animals, some jackals, giraffes, impalas and lions in the distance. Anyway the landscape was unusual and, in a certain way, romantic.






We left the park around 11.30 towards south, we stopped in Outjo to buy some foods and have lunch and arrived at Okonjima at 3.40. The road is tarred all the way apart the last 25 Km. from Okonjima entrance gate on B1 to the lodge. Consider 30 to 40 minutes since the road isn't so good.


We just had the time to park the car to take part to the leopard viewing activity leaving at 4. Leopards are "radio tracked" and roam and chase freely inside the 200km2  of the reserve therefore the sightseeings are not sure. And actually we could see a leopard just in the distance while it was moving into the bush.


Anyway we saw many other animals and another wonderful sunset. The pictures reproduce exactly what we saw (the sun was low and its light really coloured everything of red, furthermore the sky was cloudy so the contrast was even greater), the .jpeg files haven't been modified (as already told the .nef haven't been developped yet) ^_^







Okonjima is a wonderful place, the rooms are fantastic with a great view, the service and the food are great and, in my opinion, not so expensive compared to what you get and the prices applied by similar lodges.




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Day 24 - Okonjima / Ameib Ranch - Km.292


To reach Ameib we decided to take the longest and gravel road instead of the tarred one (which would have been B1 till Okahandja, then B2 till Usakos).

The choice was good since the landscapes were impressive. After about 35 Km. on the B1, we turned right into D2404, then D2329 till Omaruru which is a very nice village.

From there we took the D2315 which runs inside the Erongo Area. At the Tjunction at the end of D2315 we turned left on D1935 towards Usakos. About 10 Km. before Usakos there is the sign for Ameib Guesthouse.





Before reaching Ameib (about 60 Km.) we passed in front of the San Living Museum https://tracks4africa.co.za/listings/item/w274111/san-living-museum-omaruru-area/


      That area reminds some west America landscapes with red balanced rocks





      We left Okonjima with the sun but during the day the weather got worse and at about 40 Km.before the junction to Ameib we ran into a thunderstorm.



We arrived to Ameib, checked in and left for Elephants Head and Bulls Party which are inside Ameib property. You can visit them also as day visitor by paying an entrance fee. We left the car at the parking and started to climb the rocks.






Elephant's head from the Bull party





Climbing Elephant's head




While coming back we stopped along the road to see some giraffes and arrived at the guesthouse which was already dark.


The dinner was very good with a great buffet choice.


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Day 25 - Ameib / Windhoeck - Km.271


This was our last day of vacation :(


Our programme for that day was to visit Phillips Cave inside Ameib property, but unfortunately it rained....


We waited to see if the weather improved, but no chances so, a little bit sadly, we left Ameib.


We had rain all the way and it stopped just before Windhoek. We chose the same hotel of our first night which was very convenient to car rental location.

Just in front of the hotel there was a pump station with car washing so we decided to clean the car since it was red for the sand, the dust and the rain.

130 $N to have it clear inside and outside, they did a very good job ;)


At the hotel we emptied the car and then we dropped it off. As told we didn't have any problem, so the formalities were very quick. We thought to take a taxi to visit downtown, but decided to come back to the hotel

by foot, to rest a little bit and prepare the luggages.


Day 26 - Windhoeck / Paris


At 11.30 am the taxi organized by the rental company picked us up at Arrebush Lodge. Our British Airways flight to Jo'burg was expected at 3.05 pm. We left on time and after 1.50 hours we arrived at destination.

The Air France flight to Paris was expected at 7.50 pm and it left on time.


Day 27 - Paris / Italy

We landed in Paris at 5.30 am and waited for the Bologna flight expected at 8.05. Finally at 9.45 we arrived at destination where my sister, my brother in law and my young niece were waiting for us.


As told this wasn't our first trip to Africa, but for sure was one of the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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@Levante thank you very much for taking me (us) along with you on your excellent journey through Namibia. Your excellent photography revealed all the beauties Namibia has, and your detailed report makes me wanting to go back ASAP.

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Thank you for a lovely trip report!

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Great trip report! Takes me right back to Namibia. The long empty roads, great landscapes. Sorry to hear you were not very lucky with the weather. But I do also think it gave you an opportunity to make some unique pictures. The fog looks a bit unreal, but also pretty amazing and unlike many other photos taken there. The photo of the lion in the wind is also pretty stunning, it really shows the harsh conditions the animals have to deal with. As Johan Cruijff (legendary Dutch soccer player for those who dont know him) would have said: every disadvantage has it's advantage.

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1 hour ago, LarsS said:

Great trip report! Takes me right back to Namibia. The long empty roads, great landscapes. Sorry to hear you were not very lucky with the weather. But I do also think it gave you an opportunity to make some unique pictures. The fog looks a bit unreal, but also pretty amazing and unlike many other photos taken there. The photo of the lion in the wind is also pretty stunning, it really shows the harsh conditions the animals have to deal with. As Johan Cruijff (legendary Dutch soccer player for those who dont know him) would have said: every disadvantage has it's advantage.


Thanks LarsS for your post. Unfortunately or may be luckily :D the fog was real !!! The first day fog and low clouds prevent us from seeing the sunrise at Deadvlei. They disappeared when the sun was already "high". Anyway the second day was OK even if we chose to skip the Deadvlei and go for the Hidden Vlei, in my opinion an hidden gem.

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