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Lion Kill: Eland Dam, Nairobi National Park.

Game Warden

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Photos and text courtesy and copyright Dave Mckelvie, Nairobi.


This morning I was doing my usual wander around on my way to work when I spotted some Kongoni near Eland Dam snorting and getting agitated. Got binos out and there in grass was Mum and 2 cubs trying to sneak up on them: on the other side of the dam I spotted a lone lioness wandering towards dam and decided to get a closer look.


As I sat waiting for her to head my way had another Kongoni on my right giving alarm calls and out of long grass came another 2 females, all groups had no idea the others were around. Lone Lioness wandered closer and closer and came onto the road the 2 lioness spotted her, she then spotted them: Lone Lioness and one of the others started towards each other, when they met they rubbed and greeted each other like long lost friends, older lioness kept her distance.


They then headed towards me and along road to back of the dam - I slowly followed them. They then decided to go to dam for a drink, I got into position to take a photograph. To my amazement they both spotted a marabou stork on the beach and stalked it. They then ran up and grabbed it, both tussling to get it, both moved a bit up the beach to have a snack. Meanwhile the older lioness had seen the commotion and decided "kill" was hers, she ran into the melee and grabbed bird. Ran off and proceeded to eat it under a tree. Sadly I had to leave for work, thankfully I did as I too had been spotted and within minutes mini buses were all making their way to the dam.

Dave has just joined Safaritalk and I look forward to seeing more of his contributions.

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Has anyone got any observations to make about the condition of the Marabou stork in the initial images?

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Has anyone got any observations to make about the condition of the Marabou stork in the initial images?


I would say the stork looked pretty ill.

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My thoughts too. Poisoned animals to tend to head for water. It is suspicious....


May be a fledgling, still a bit wobbly.

Edited by dikdik
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If it was poisoned, what happens to the cats?



Great series of photos!

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