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A Rambling B&W safari through my files


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I've been working on some African images for a project I have going and because they are all black & white I thought I should post a b&w photographic thread here on Safaritalk. Some of these are old photos I just wanted to include, some of them are current ones I'm still working on so the version here may not be the finished one. Anyway, it gives me something to do with the rejects, after spending time with them it becomes a bit hard to just dump them. :blink:


Some I may have posted here in trip reports, I can't really remember.


To begin with; Mara Reserve 2011. I've intentionally kept a grainy feel to the image as I wanted to accentuate the drama of the scene.



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Lewa has landscapes which have always appealed to me. When I took this back in 2008, I didn't really know what my particular style of photography would evolve into. Now, in retrospect, I realise that my heart always knew what my head hadn't figured out. There is a loneliness about the landscapes I'm drawn to but I haven't understood why yet.



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Although I spent barely 3 hours in Lake Manyara earlier this year, I found the lake shore particularly interesting and when we drove past these two palm trees I almost missed seeing the giraffe standing in the distance. Luckily, just in time I noticed him. This is one I'm still assessing and I'm not sure whether it is finished or not.



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Back to Lewa and an image which is definitely not finished, this being one of a multitude of incarnations. For now I'll go with this grainy version. If only I could go back to 2008 and retake some of these.



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In the Aberdares last year, I was lucky to see this one lone bull up in the moorlands. I really loved the way the alpine grasses provided a graphic setting for the elephant, only wishing that it hadn't been in the middle of the day. However, it did give added contrast to a scene which cried out for that contrast.



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Lewa 2008, again. I think I should do a giraffe safari one day, just heading to the most scenic places I can find which have giraffe as they are so photogenic to my eye.



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Hey Twaff - I love it..



Just what I needed.

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Thanks Dikdik, your comment is just what I needed too .... hell of a week.

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Lewa 2008, again. I think I should do a giraffe safari one day, just heading to the most scenic places I can find which have giraffe as they are so photogenic to my eye.





You are great with a camera, twaffle. I always enjoy your photos.

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Mara Reserve, 2010 and I thought this afternoon would be a wash out in more ways than one. In fact, until half an hour ago, I hadn't found anything worth processing. But out of the gloom and driving rain, the branches of the dead tree seem to appeal to me today. I often say to photographer friends of mine that I never delete any images, not in the field and not when editing. I keep everything. With the ability of the new processing algorithms being brought out every year, you just never know what you have. So I have ended up being quite pleased with the driving rain, gloomy 'Wuthering Heights" type of image, and ultimately if you don't please yourself you risk never pleasing anyone.



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Jan, your words mean a lot to me, thank you.

Edited by wilddog
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Beautiful photos - I love the contrast and depth of these BW shots.

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Last one for tonight, off to the airport.


Lewa 2011. One of the odd looking trees that live up there. This is actually quite nice in colour, so I found out tonight, but this is a b&w thread so it has go this way.


Hopefully I'll have time to find and process a few more in the next couple of days.



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Thanks Africapurohit. I'm a bit of a novice with b&w as it's been a long time since I was in the dark room and haven't bothered much since. Have to say that it is a lot of fun.

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Thanks a former member I'll keep working at it.

Edited by kittykat23uk
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Guest nappa

If this is rambling, Twaff have you thought about speed walking? I reckon there's a world record waiting for you!

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Gosh, not a single one I'm not LOVING. Really, really, really beautiful images.

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Something about your lone animals/humans against immense natural backdrops always tugs at my heart...


I can now easily recognize your photos as yours even without the signature. I am imagining some of these on my wall ;)

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Amazing stuff...all.

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Glad I stopped by and found this treat today. So amazing and a wonderful style. I am inspired by you again!

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Lewa 2008, again. I think I should do a giraffe safari one day, just heading to the most scenic places I can find which have giraffe as they are so photogenic to my eye.





This one is stunning! Looks like everything is floating.

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Thank you all. I shall return. :)

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What a beautiful series of images!!!

Tone, texture, contrast, composition, mood; your images have the lot. Your choice of B&W seems to be the perfect medium for recording the wild and raw beauty of these landscapes.


You have me yearning for more!

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Thank you Rainbirder. I have to say that this is such a fun exercise for me. Trying to focus on one thing only, finding images which will appeal to me in b&w. If some of them appeal to my fellow Safaritalkers as well, I feel very humble. Photography is so subjective and so personal.

Anyway, I've only had time to process 2 this evening so here they are. Tomorrow I am hoping to move into Meru NP. :)

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Why do the landscapes of Lewa appeal to me so much? I feel that it is in part the harshness of the land, the shapes of the hills and valleys and the solitary nature of some of the northern species. Often there will be one Grevy's, or one reticulated giraffe, or one eland and I wonder if it is because the conditions are a little harder than in the Mara, for instance. I feel sure that I will love places like Shaba, when I get there for I certainly loved Meru and that offered more of the harsher landscapes.


I have always passed by this lonely image of a beisa oryx because as a colour photo it lacked anything of interest. Because of my b&w campaign I've given some of these rejects some chance to live again and this picture in particular gave a pleasing result, I thought.


From 2011.



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