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Let's see your Kruger photos...

Game Warden

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So who will start this topic off? We have a wealth of images spread out around ST, let us compile them here. Please include date, camera/lens info and other pertinent details. (If you have done a Kruger trip report, please also include the link.)


Thanks, Matt.

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Vlad the Impala

Most of my safari 'experience' is from the Kruger Park, so here goes...


All will have been taken with a 100-400mm lens, with or without a 1.4x teleconverter. The camera bodies vary depending on when I went...


This first one was taken with a 20D from the Olifants River bridge...



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Vlad the Impala

From the same trip (2006), so still with the 20D. This was taken just outside Olifants Camp on the start of one of the SANParks sunset drives...



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Vlad the Impala

2006 and the 20D again - this buffalo was part of a herd of several hundred crossing the Letaba - Olfants road...



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Vlad the Impala

From the same trip, taken near Balule. ( I won't say what it is, as I've just posted the same shot to the Name That Bird thread!)




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Vlad the Impala

This one is from 2005, a trip where I had quite a bit of luck with Wild Dog (three separate sightings if I remember correctly). This pack gave chase to a group of impala to the West of Lower Sabie. The camera was a Canon 10D.



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Vlad the Impala

2005 and the 10D again. I was at one of the waterholes West of Skukuza, and noticed this Fork-tailed Drongo perched nearby. I took a few shots I was quite pleased with. Not a bird I would normally pay too much attention to, but the light was good and lit up it's bright red eye nicely.



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Vlad the Impala

Jumping back to 2006 and the 20D again. There was a pride of lions along the S100 road East of Satara. Several vehicles were in attendence, but before reaching them I spotted two cubs partly hidden in the long grass. We had them to ourselves for some time, before we moved on to join the viewing around the adults.



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Vlad the Impala

Jumping forward again - this time to 2008. By now I have upgraded camera to a 1D MkIII (still with the same old lens!). We watched a pride of lions North of Satara take down and fatally injure a mother Hippo with her calf. While waiting for nature to take it's course on the mother, the pride left the calf alone for a long time, but suddenly one of the males seemed to have had enough of its crying and leapt onto it's back. The rest of the pride quickly followed, as shown in the photo and the kill happened fairly quickly. The same can't be said for the mother who took several long hours to pass away.




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Vlad the Impala

Another one from 2008 - here a jackal tries to convince us that he's just made a kill...


This was taken along the S100 in the middle of the day, so there was quite a heat haze which spoils the clarity somewhat, but I quite liked the pose the jackal put on.



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Well, he's bitten off more than he can chew, so to speak. :D


Great shot though!

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