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Australian Red-back spider (female). This species is closely related to the American Black Widow.


I was actually doing some maintenance on the back deck. When I turned this board over this lovely girl was inches from both my hands.

Note to self - wear gloves next time.





Fishing Spider (Dolomedes instabilis). A powerful spider, they feed on aquatic insects, fish, frogs and tadpoles & will also take land based insects such as crickets.


I was photographing frogs when I noticed this spider on the surface. I got this frame before the spider dove underwater and hid amongst the aquatic vegetation.



Badge Huntsman Spider (Neosparassus diana) Found pretty much Australia wide. I found this one on a tree trunk in the front yard.

Along with numerous other Huntsman species they are often found inside houses. Scary looking but pretty much harmless.






One of the many Australasian Garden Orb-Weaver spiders (Genus Hortophora) I have no idea what species.



Garden-Orb-Weaver-Spider dorsal_G8A5326.jpg



Some very nice spider photos @Geoff.


I like Orb Weavers and my favorite is Hentz Orb Weaver (Neoscona crucifera).   Each night they weave a web and at dawn they consume most of it (not wasting resources) but leave a few anchor lines in place for rebuilding their web come nightfall.   They spend the day hiding in crevices, rolled-up leaves held together with spider web, or posing as a gall on a branch in plain sight.


One morning I came upon a Hentz Orb Weaver ascending to her perch at the tip of a branch - she looked like a bud or unopened flower. 












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