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PC's apologetically late and small year.

Peter Connan

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33 minutes ago, Peter Connan said:

@pedro maiaI don't use Ebird or any other apps.

The 80 birds comes from Rietvlei's website. From what you are saying, it is definitely conservative.


Roodeplaat is a fantastic area, but I think it is too far away. I would want to spend a weekend, not just a day.


Problem is, if I include any other places, then it becomes just another year, the same as any of the last 2-3 years, and thus no incentive...

Check it here:




I think you can get a very good count in Rietveli alone.

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A fantastic end to your Big Year @Peter Connan. The Hoopoe feeding The Honeyguide was a great photo and a real bit of education for me.


Aiming to see birds at one site seems a really good idea. I look forward to seeing the results.


Best wishes to your wife, and to you. It sounds like a long period of recovery. We will be thinking of you both.

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Wow, those Hoopoe Shorts, simply outstanding! I thought the first one could not be bettered, and then there comes the Honeyguide. Fascinating.


As I have said before I am really happy you rejoined us again. As for the next one, I think everyone of us should be totally free to do their Big Year any way they like to. If you choose just one place, fine, if more, fine as well. The only important thing is that you take part again.


And also from me Peter - my very best wishes to your wife, I hope she will recover completely.


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4 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

The location I have in mind is Rietvlei Nature Reserve, a small (3800ha) reserve

I say go for it, Peter! These last few weeks you have already shown us a marvellous collection form the same area and I would be very sorry to miss your contributions here. When Jeannette and I visited Rietvlei this January we saw 54 species in some 4 hours and we thought it a great place for birding. I would be very interested to see what your score for this patch would be for a year.

I join the others in hoping your wife will fully recover in due time!

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1 hour ago, michael-ibk said:

As for the next one, I think everyone of us should be totally free to do their Big Year any way they like to.

Same from me. Your company on here is what counts not where you have been or not been. I have never even run a total for IOM but 2020 made it of interest. Now I have a challenger from another IOM.

Just enjoy the year Peter and best wishes to you both for a successful recovery.

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9 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

A question to my competitors (IE the bottom 4 or 5):


As has been alluded to here and in the Coronavirus welfare threads, my wife is currently recovering from a significant injury and surgery.

I believe the result will be that there will be very little chance of us going anywhere in the year to come. Couple that with the fact that we are currently in a limited lock-down which includes most sources of water (rivers, lakes, dams and beaches are closed, but nature reserves with access control measures are still open).


The prospect of another relatively pointless year of trolling the local spots doesn't fill me with a hell of a lot of enthusiasm.

What do you guys say I try to see how many birds I can photograph in just one location?

The location I have in mind is Rietvlei Nature Reserve, a small (3800ha) reserve quite close to me, a location already known to a number of competitors here.

This can be my whole effort, or a sub-thread.


What do you guys think?

I say go for it!! Sounds like a fun challenge and I agree with @michael-ibk, Big Year should be what works for you 

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This is an opportunity for you to re-write the Rietvlei's definitive species list - so absolutely go with your goal. 

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From a "bottom of the list"er...do whatever you like. I will continue to enjoy your photography and hope however you find to do it, it will continue to bring you some joy and help you get through the times ahead.

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Fantastic bird to finish on Peter.  I think concentrating on one reserve is a great idea.  Sounds like you may be able to update their official list, something to aim for anyway.

I do hope your wife's recovery goes well.

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Peter Connan

Thank you very much @Kitsafari , @elefromozand @Zim Girl

My attempt started on somewhat of a flop, as I arrived at Rietvlei yesterday morning to be confronted by a closed gate. I had slept too late and they had already reached the allowable qouta of visitors for the day...

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55 minutes ago, Peter Connan said:

they had already reached the allowable qouta of visitors for the day...

That is not the happiest way to start your new challenge....

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@Peter Connan Fret not! there's still 359 days left to beat that darn quota. 

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