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Bush dog

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At the basin and even in.













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Beautiful - not only the sables but the kudus, the zebras, the warthogs. what an enjoyable sighting that must have been. 


Oh and a merry christmas and happy boxing day to you, Mike, and family. 

Edited by Kitsafari
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All these species gathered at the same place was indeed a great sighting.

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To end the morning, we made a stop at Masuma.










Sacred ibis

















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As our morning visit to Shumba had been extremely positive, we returned in the afternoon.  This time, the place was squatted by elephants.  The light was superb.





















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You really outdid yourself with that last set @Bush dog.   

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Skimming and drinking









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And happy new year to you all!

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Happy new year Mike ; those sable are incredible by the way : see you soon ! 

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really enjoying the report @Bush dog

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Sable, sable, more sable, and sable!  With some touching elephant shots thrown in.  Great stuff.  Happy New Year.

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We have planned to spend six nights in Hwange for late August and it will be our first time ever in this park. So I’m happy to learn the names of the productive dams and waterholes through your report.  Thank you for sharing your many superb sightings. I especially look forward to seeing  Sable and Roan, and of course lions. Is there any area you can recommend for Cheetah and  leopards?

With best wishes for a healthy Africa and beyond travel season in 2023 for all of us,


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As far as sable, roan and lion are concerned, there should be no problems whatever part of the park you plan to go to, with a preference for the northwest, however, the part covered by this report.  Leopards are found all over Hwange but are often extremely wary and skittish and therefore not easy to see.  Cheetahs can be seen easily everywhere but being much less numerous, it takes luck to see them, so be in the right place at the right time.

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Going back to camp, at Mandavu


Tawny eagle






Grey heron on hippos









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We are self-driving, so the plan is to come in and out at Pandamatenga, stay first and last day at Robin’s camp and see what hides /platforms are available to get as walk-ins. I will not spend $170 for a pre -booking and then there are many double bookings as I have heard. So as walk-ins I think it’s around $25 per person. If we don’t get lucky, we will stay 2 N at Main Camp and do the loops from there and another two nights at Sinematella and explore from there. As many times as I have written to Zim Parks, they do not reply. 

So what are your favorite hides/platforms and loops where you had the best sightings?


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If I understand you quite well, you will be self-driving and camping without any pro guide acompanying you.  From my experience, self-driving without a guide can cause you to miss a number of sightings especially in the wooded areas found for examples between Sinamatella and Shumba Pan.  Past Shumba towards Main Camp, it's more open.  Finding animals is therefore easier.  On the section up to Shapi, I had sometimes good roan sightings.  After until Main Camp, it was less interesting.  From Main Camp, you can go to Kennedy 1, Kennedy 2 and Ngweshla which is very open and attracts quite a few animals.  Further you are not allowed to go.  These are private concessions of Wilderness Safaris.  This area (the concessions) of Hwange is great.  In 3 visits, I saw cheetahs, leopards, sables and large herds of elands there.  Personally,  I wouldn't spend too much time on the Main Camp side.  The very open Robin's area, which is my favorite one, has always been very rewarding each time I've been there with lions, buffaloes, leopard, sables and roans, especially around Little Toms, Big Toms and Salt Pan.  For elephants, Masuma and Shumba are the best places.  In the Sinamatella area, because it's central, it's better to stay at Masuma campsite or you can stay at Kapula, a self-catering camp, near Masuma.  However, this is only the result of my personal experience.  I wish you a great stay in Hwange.  If I can afford a piece of advice, favor open areas and big pans.

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Thank you for all that useful information. Yes, we will certainly miss things in the bushes, but having done 11 self-drive safaris, we have learned a thing or two and usually have many excellent sightings. Plus… sometimes you just have to find cars to find cats! Haha. But we prefer the freedom and the privacy of being together as self-drivers. But Hwange will be an extra challenge since it’s our first visit and we have to get to know the lay of the land.  Hopefully we will be lucky with walk-in hides for a few nights. 

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Those Sable photos are gorgeous Mike. Not that the Elephants in the golden light are any less stunning. Beautiful. Happy New Year!

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Thanks Michael!

From my experience, Hwange is certainly the best place to see sables.  This time, I was particularly spoiled by the sightings of these wonderful antelopes.

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Last Day


We left camp, as usual, early in the morning for a last shorter game drive.  I had to be at 10 am at Mbala gate for my appointment with the ATT driver for my return to Victoria Falls.  The first rains had just arrived, short and light.  That morning was very quiet.    We went through Mandavu for the last time.


African darter






 In order to avoid going up to Sinamatella, we cut through Kashawe to join the road down to Mbala Gate.  The driver was on time.




Verreaux eagle-owl





My flight leaving the next day, I spent the night at the Pamarah Lodge which I recommend to everyone.



I ended the day and this trip by an excelent dinner  at "The Three Monkeys" restaurant.



I would like to end this report by thanking all those who have devoted some time to it and shown interest.  Once again, happy new year!


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hurrah for a splendid  report @Bush dog

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Thanks for your splendid report. Some awesome pictures. I will refer to it again before visiting Hwange later in August. Many thanks!

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