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Treasures Of Africa

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Treasures Of Africa



What would safari be without the beautiful souvenirs? Handicrafts that add a signature to the rich cultural heritage of the African people and Continent? Every tourist who visits any African country, surely buys a souvenir on his return home. Why? Because behind the earth of adversity that covers Africa on the surface lies a beauty that cannot be matched for the hospitality, creativity and hope it bestows in our hearts. This is the treasure box of Africa.

Many times as I engage with friends in discourses about Africa, They ask me " where do you come from?" and with gladness in my heart and with pride I say Kenya, "Ah, they exclaim, there are many wild animals in Kenya?" Yes wild animals like the big five and many others but there are also a wonderful and hospitable people.
who among other things produced artifacts for both household utensils, weaponry, jewellery, clothing etc from natural raw materials such as hides and skins, wood, bone, cowrie shells, iron ore brass amongst others. Also with the inspiration of what they see in their environment such as animal prints and generally from flora and fauna.

This blog will capture the Treasures of Africa that are often forgotten yet they add such a value to the tourism industry that the continent is proud of. From this blog, I will particularly share about the imput of African women in promoting tourism since I work maily with women in my line of service.

From time immemorial, women in Africa have been defined by roles such as cooking, tending the garden, weaving baskets, amongst others. But can these be turned into income generating activities while at the same time promoting tourism? can these demystify the definition of women being "escorts" to tourists and only earning from illicit sexual behaviours?

I aim to produce evidences of strong women of substance who are making an impact in promoting tourism and providing for their families. These women engage in income generating activities like poultry keeping which supply tourist hotels with chicken for their delicasies, They weave beautiful baskets and make jewelry, The women give tourists an african hair do, Women who promote the Kanga and other African textiles by wearing them or even by producing tie and dyes and batiks, women who know about the medicinal value of Africa's trees. Yes the women of Purpose and substance who make Africa Proud.

I hope that by this we will all appreciate the contributions of African women in making our Safari educational, informative and entertaining. Join me as we search for the Treasures of Africa- women beautiful at heart who make Africa so Beautiful.



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