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Where is your pride?

David Youldon


As we enter a new year ALERT has taken a moment to reflect on the last 12 months. You can read this with our latest newsletter here.

Click here for our full Review of the year

In other news:

On Wednesday 6th January at 7.30pm on ITV1 in the UK the first episode of the six part series filmed about the lion release program will air. ITV have elected to call the series Lion Country.

In October last year we announced our support for The Tashinga Initiative (www.thetashingaintiative.org),
a wildlife protection project in the Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe. TTI, in full collaboration with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA), seeks to address the problem of unsustainable resource use, illegal activity and to enhance operational capacity within ZPWMA.

Following a direct plea from Dr. Norman Monks, the Area Manager of Mana Pools National Park, ALERT donated funds, along with other organizations, towards The Tashinga Initiative’s Ranger Training Course, which took place during November; the Pass Out Parade taking place on 10th December.

Trainers Dolf Sasseen (TTI) and Wildlife Officer Netsai Chigwenjere (ZPWMA) met up at Mana Pools on the 14th November, together with Lynne Taylor, Director of The Tashinga Initiative, the Mana Pools National Park Area Manager, Dr Norman Monks, and Senior Wildlife Officer Dube to commence the training program.

The Park’s Rangers undertook an intensive program in order to better equip them with a practical knowledge on the subject of anti-poaching, how best to deal with armed poachers – a predominant problem in this region, to build team confidence and spirits and training to ensure the safety of each Ranger.

The Rangers themselves commented on the training given… ”The course was … life inspiring to me as it gave me an incredible experience. The tracking and ambushing tactics are fundamental.”

The Trainers remarked…” [The Rangers] responded very well to this training and have expressed the desire to learn more…each individual has stated that they benefitted much and that it has equipped them with knowledge they never had…”

It is hoped that further training of these Rangers to build on the experiences of this first course can be undertaken in the New Year.

ALERT continues to support the Victoria Falls Anti-Poaching Unit through Lion Encounter (Zimbabwe) that has donated a portion of its revenue per lion walk to the unit.

Our Where is your Pride? campaign continues to gather momentum, with suggestions continuing to flood in for the ALERT Hit List. The aim of the list is to create a database of organisations which use the lion in their company branding, with the view to making them aware of the status of the African lion and garnering support for conservation initiatives for the species.

And we’ve also added a range of products to the cafepress store for supporters of this initiative to show their dedication to the cause (www.cafepress.com/lionalert)

We’re also asking you to find your pride in 2010, and to find out how click here


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