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More news from the field

David Youldon


In brief...

Out at Dambwa, the lions are now undertaking regular forays into the site and have started to hunt, although as yet have been unsuccessful. Leya and Loma are showing the greatest promise. Of course the site is designed specifically for the lions to practice their hunting skill and with most of the lions taking part in this element of their pre-release training having made kills already, we are sure that they will be able to learn to tackle the species available to them soon.

The release of lions into the Ngamo site has been delayed due to a number of key staff illnesses but we expect this to take place either later August or early September.

The school buildings at Maunga School in the rural areas outside Livingstone are complete and the keys have been handed over to a grateful head teacher. This development will allow the school to achieve reclassification under the Zambian education system and therefore be able to apply for government funding to futher extend the capacity of the school to service its communities.

A student from Princeton University under funding from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Princeton Environmental Institute Grand Challenges Fund is joining our program in Victoria Falls this month. The study will be looking at the ever present human / wildlife conflict and specifically whether social influence is a better promoter of conservation attitudes than education alone amongst affected communities.

The Zambian Parks & Wildlife Department has asked us to extend our existing programs in the Victoria Falls National Park to include an entomoligical study to catalogue insect species and their interactions with the various flora in this unique eco-system. It is also hoped that one outcome of this program that we expect to commence in late July will be the production of a guide book to insect species for the area.

The first six episodes for Lion Country series two are now in post production. Filming for the seccond half of the series has been delayed until mid-August. The series will air from 5th January in the UK. ITV are now talking with us about other possible series focusing on other aspects of our work and other species as well as preliminary talks on Lion Country series 3.

Onwards and upwords!


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