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Amghela: First Kill

David Youldon


The night of 9th March 2008 was only Acacia, Amghela and Chengeta's second Night Encounter, and at only 19 months old they still have a lot to learn.

Things started quickly however when Acacia spotted a herd of impala and led the trio towards them. Chengeta took a direct approach whilst Acacia flanked left and Amghela flanked right. Due to their inexperience Acacia broke into a full chase having only stalked as near as 60m to her prey. The others also gave chase and they managed to get within 30 metres before the impala's speed gave them the advantage and the opportunity slipped away. As the lions grow older and gain experience they will learn to stalk nearer to their prey before commencing the chase.

Soon after the lions spotted moe prey, a pair of ostrich. This time around the lions stalked to 30 metres before again, Acacia broke into the chase, all three rushing headlong towards their prey. The ostrich split and Acacia went after the female whilst Amghela and Chengeta focussed on the male. The chase lasted a minute or so with Acacia giving up, followed by Chengeta. It was then that we discovered Amghela her jaws clamped around the throat of the male ostrich. The others joined her and the three polished off the bird with no aggression between them - after all, there was plenty to go around.


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