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The Game Warden's Editorial

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Was it worth it? 2007 and Safaritalk.

Well my blog has been a disappointing affair: there are few field notes worth reading from where I am situated and thus entries have been few and far between this last year. There are many more knowledgeable and experienced people out there, and this can be evidenced with a flick through the recent posts on Safaritalk: slowly is a participating audience developing and I'd like to thank all those who have joined and posted - it is my hope that this continues through the New Year and so in 365 da

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from the Game Warden.

To be able to devote your life to wildlife conservation is the dream of many people: playing a part, making a difference. Safaritalk's long term ambition is to be able to provide a means through which people can donate to a number of different causes, causes which because of their personal interests spur them on to help. Things are slow moving now but who knows where things might end up in a year's time. Ghandi was quoted as saying "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." This is my

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from the Game Warden

I've finally uploaded a short series of images taken during my visit to the Bronx Zoo. This first shows the close proximity in which you are to the 2 groups: unlike many other zoos just thick glass separates you and whilst making photography somewhat difficult allows a close up experience to be had. Here my daughter looks at one of the silverbacks: I wonder what he is thinking? The gorillas had been inside for the whole winter but the day were there was their first day out so they were happy

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from The Game Warden.

The weekend here in Portugal comes to a close. It's twenty past midnight and I'm alone sat at my desk monitor glowing in the dark room and the remains of a brandy waiting to be drank. Low music on the stereo and it's my favourite time of day - my time. Everyone else is in bed and I can relax a bit and compose a few words to put in the field notes. Actually beside me is the March issue of National Geographic, I've only just picked it up for it came through a bit late this month and what an issue

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from The Game Warden.

As you'll have seen, The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, based in Nairobi has now become a part of the curriculum of the Conservation entities whose work Safaritalk will be promoting. Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick provided her assistance in preparing the article here and granted me an in-depth and fascinating interview which can be found here. A truly fascinating Lady with whom it has been my great pleasure to speak with. You'll see how the format of the site is developing, (in addition to the foru

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from the Game Warden.

Firstly my apologies to anyone who entered the www.safaritalk.net on Tuesday 6th March: depending on exactly what time you accessed the portal page you would have seen it in various stages of maintenance and it is only now, 3 am GMT on Wednesday that the new format is up. The portal page required this revision because the original had acted just as a temporary measure and the All Africa menu, which linked you out of Safaritalk, whilst useful was in fact used as a white space filler. Now that m

Game Warden

Game Warden

Notes from the Game Warden.

This week has seen the addition of The Chipembele Wildlife Education Centre to Safaritalk's new section, Community initiatives. Chipembele is an excellent cross over between wildlife / habitat conservation and education and through a small number of sponsors and donors manages to provide important lessons to the young children of the Luangwa Valley in Zambia. By instilling the importance of their immediate surroundings one hopes that as they grow up, the respect they have learnt in the classroom

Game Warden

Game Warden

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