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"Wanted Dead or Alive?" and "Black Rhino: On the Brink"



First of all, I'd like to point out to my readers that I inadvertently misinformed you in my previous post (which I have now edited).

All our DVDs which are for sale on Amazon ARE multi-language, so you can watch any of our films either in English or Swahili, and in some cases also in Maa and Kikamba...

Please note: The DVDs will start playing automatically in the default language, which is English, but if you then return to the main menu, you will have the chance to select other languages....

My apologies for misinforming you previously.

On that subject, we have two new titles which will be available on Amazon within 24 hours:

Wanted Dead or Alive? (multi-language DVD with option to view the film in English, Kiswahili or Maa):
An in-depth view of the role played by the African Elephant in the economy, ecology and security of East Africa, showing the threats posed to both people and animals by the potential renewal of an international ivory trade. This film contains footage from Kenya (Tsavo, Il Ngwesi, Namunyak, Lekurruki, Lewa Downs, Samburu, Amboseli) and South Africa. More info...

Black Rhino: On the Brink (multi-language DVD with option to view the film in English or Kiswahili):
This film is a historical account covering the past thirty years, which charts the Black Rhino's slide towards extinction and the efforts made by many people in various African countries to halt this decline. Although still severely threatened, there is hope for the future as rhino numbers slowly increase. The film contains footage from Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo. More info...

CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL AEFF DVDs CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON AMAZON.COM (the two films listed above will appear on this list within 24 hours)


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Game Warden


Tanya, definitely a positive step forward making the films available on Amazon.com: I hope that they reach a wider audience and raise income for the AEFF. My BBC English is pretty darn good if you need some on the ground narration... cool.gif
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Matt, you never know when we might need that BBC voice!

I'm happy to say the Amazon link-up is already raising funds for AEFF and we hope that, as we get more titles added, this may even become a significant revenue stream for us, enabling us to fund some of our projects on the ground here in Africa as a result....it is also great to be able to say to our donors that we are able to match at least some of their contributions through self-sustaining revenue streams...and from what I can gather from feedback, people like the idea that when they buy one of our films, they are not just acquiring a film but are supporting worthwhile conservation education initiatives in Africa - so it's a win-win scenario (and we all like those!)

What's also interesting is the response from teachers and lecturers at schools and universities in USA and Europe, who have contacted us saying that they have "the environment in Africa" as part of their curriculum to teach, but they lack resources to do so...and as a result our films are filling a much-needed niche, not just in Africa but internationally too...
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