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Moving Images

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Living wild; Filming wild: a story of life in the Kenyan bush, working with the African Environmental Film Foundation to harness the power of films narrated in African languages to raise awareness of conservation issues across the continent.

Entries in this blog

"Wanted Dead or Alive?" and "Black Rhino: On the Brink"

First of all, I'd like to point out to my readers that I inadvertently misinformed you in my previous post (which I have now edited). All our DVDs which are for sale on Amazon ARE multi-language, so you can watch any of our films either in English or Swahili, and in some cases also in Maa and Kikamba... Please note: The DVDs will start playing automatically in the default language, which is English, but if you then return to the main menu, you will have the chance to select other languages...



Sigourney Weaver for AEFF, a partnership with Tribeca Film Institute, Rhino Translocations, AEFF on CBS, and more...

As you might have guessed, it's been a busy time for us here at the African Environmental Film Foundation, with very few spare minutes in the day for blogging...but I hope everyone here is well, and managing to plan lots of trips to Africa, despite the glum world economic situation... As you may have guessed, we have much news to report, most of which (fortunately for me) is contained in our latest newsletter, which is now available for download as a PDF document here (sneak preview of the cove



A Leopard for Breakfast and much more action

As is probably quite obvious from my absence around here of late, I haven't had much time for keeping my Wilderness Diary updated either...but we did have a leopard pitch up for breakfast the other day, and the river is constantly alive and kicking....always something going on...not enough time to record it all, but here are a few tales from August...



A Buzz in Cyber Space

First of all, apologies for the lack of blog entires these past few weeks: I've got so much on my plate at the moment, and blogging sadly just doesn't seem to make it to the top of the list very often! Nonetheless, there has been a lot of positive talk about AEFF on the net recently, which goes to show that more and more people are hearing about our educational film work and are interested in becoming involved with and supporting AEFF's mission. Here are a few tasters of what is being said: Th



Not just pretty pictures...

It occurred to me, as I was posting my latest Wilderness Diary entries, how easy it is to enjoy the pretty pictures of all the incredible wildlife that surrounds the AEFF headquarters, and our home, here in the Tsavo region of Kenya. It struck me that it might be easy to forget sometimes that our work here has a very serious and critical mission, for the natural wonders which surround us are every day are being threatened across the continent – indeed across the world. Everything we enjoy today,



Love is in the air...

I'm still playing catch-up on my wilderness tales...but there's been a lot of action around here...the geese are at it, as are the hornbills, the plovers, even the squirrels... Click here to read about our frisky Egyptian Geese... or click here to follow the story of the nesting Spur-winged Plovers and a whole host of other courting creatures...



Kuruwitu: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

“Kuruwitu: Between a Rock and a Hard Place” is one of the two marine films we are currently producing under our Inspiration series. If you would like to catch up on previous progress reports about this project, you can read my earlier updates here and here. To follow is Simon Trevor’s latest field report, describing progress on the Kuruwitu project (don’t miss the photo-story which follows his account, showing the extraordinary success of the No Fishing Zone in rehabilitating Kuruwitu’s marine



All creatures great and small...

I've been having problems with my internet access recently, causing me to get even more behind with my posting. Therefore, in order to try to catch up with my Safaritalk blog, I'm going to direct you to some wildlife updates on my own blog, so that I can get back to telling you about AEFF's recent film-making progress... Click here for A HIPPO TALE Click here for OLDIES & NEWBIES (birds, birds, birds...)



Big Game Week

The week before we left for Nairobi was quite extraordinary from a big game viewing perspective…you see, when you visit the Masai Mara, you can almost guarantee to tick off all the major big game species within a few days, but in Tsavo, this is quite unusual, due to the different terrain and thicker bush. That’s what makes Tsavo such an exciting ecosystem to me, the fact that you never know what you’re going to see…it has a certain mystique…that’s why it makes such a great destination for the se



A Rewarding Day

I am finally back in my office after a hectic, but very fruitful ten days in Nairobi – non-stop meetings, meetings, meetings…but it’s all looking good for AEFF, as we continue to build relationships with partner organizations with whom we hope to grow and flourish over the coming years. Of course, our Nairobi trip started with the prize giving at the Giraffe Center, which was celebrating 25 years in conservation in Kenya, making this year’s environmental awareness competition particularly speci



The Turtle Watcher

As some of you may know, we are currently working on a series of films under the umbrella heading of “Inspiration”. Each Inspiration film highlights a specific issue, through the eyes of an individual (or small organization) who is involved. The series seeks to create role models, whom others can emulate and learn from. Each film will show how people are benefiting by adopting conservation-based or environmentally sustainable initiatives – benefiting not just in terms of personal wellbeing but f



A Wild Variety Show

There’s been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing of wild things over the past few days so I’m going to have to tell you about them all in fits and starts, as I find the time…one thing which is extraordinary is how much the big beach down at Hippo Bend has changed with the high flood waters while we were away. The high ledge has been cut away completely, and now the beach is just huge and flat, with a sudden very tall step up to the riverine vegetation right at the outer edge. The Vervet Monkeys have bab



A good reason to make films

The effects of education are difficult to measure in specific terms, for in many ways the results of education are intangible - and yet we all know of its importance. So where do we find proof that our educational films about diverse wildlife and environmental issues really do have resonance with our audiences, really do touch adults and children alike, really do make a lasting impression? Yes, there are surveys that confirm this statistically… But you really get a palpable sense of this when y



Conservation films currently in production

AEFF’s major new project, currently underway, is a series of half-hour films, under the heading “Inspiration”. Each film focuses on a particular individual (or small organization) who is doing something positive for conservation and the environment, with a view to improving their community’s quality of life, and preserving biodiversity. These people/organizations are presented as role models, and will illustrate that even a single person or a small local project can have an impact and make a rea



Tales from Kulafumbi

I thought it would be helpful to tell you a little bit about where my husband, Ian Saunders, and I live, as our home will feature in many stories recounted in this blog: ‘Kulafumbi’ is our family home in Kenya, East Africa, situated on the confluence of the Athi and Mtito Rivers. The property borders the Tsavo National Park - with no fences between us and the Park, the wildlife comes and goes of its own free will and treats our land as its own. Ian and I were married here on 22nd September 2



Conservation Education through Film

The African Environmental Film Foundation (AEFF) is separately registered as a US non-profit organization and as a UK Charity, with its operational base in Kenya, East Africa. The Foundation has a bold vision for transforming the face of environmental education in Africa, primarily through the medium of educational films, supported by modern technology and communication methods. Bringing together the stakeholders in the conservation: the environment, the people, the wildlife Our aim is to sig



Living Wild & Filming Wild: a brief introduction

Hi Everyone - I had a chat to Matt aka Game Warden who welcomed the idea of a blog about our life here in Kenya and our work with conservation education, so here goes... Welcome to ‘Moving Images’, the new blog featuring the work of The African Environmental Film Foundation (AEFF). My name is Tanya Trevor Saunders, and I work as AEFF’s Director of Strategy. AEFF makes educational films about environmental and conservation issues, for the people of Africa, in their own languages, for free distri



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