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Riz's Ramblings

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Riz Jiwa


..having endured YET another night of screeching, murmuring and chattering Baboons in the Fig tree approximately all of 10 meters outside the house...i awake to a bright clear day, and after a quick breakfast of toast and a cuppa...
out to the Tree Plantation... the new fence is coming along like a dream.. something HAS to give soon..it doesnt make sense that everything is going according to plan. In Africa, the plan is always that 'there is no plan'!

anyhow, we've reconfirmed the beacons for the fence, and all is well.

Now i'm off to clear the baboon doo from the fireplace outside.. yay!

pictures to accompany the ramblings will come soon..as soon as i figure out how to resize everything in photoshop...!


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