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Conservation Education through Film



The African Environmental Film Foundation (AEFF) is separately registered as a US non-profit organization and as a UK Charity, with its operational base in Kenya, East Africa. The Foundation has a bold vision for transforming the face of environmental education in Africa, primarily through the medium of educational films, supported by modern technology and communication methods.

Bringing together the stakeholders in the conservation: the environment, the people, the wildlife

Our aim is to significantly contribute to financial independence in Africa by increasing people’s awareness of conservation-based enterprises and environmentally sustainable ventures. Education is crucial for personal empowerment, resulting in local and national development. African people hunger for knowledge, but are starved of learning resources – especially those relevant and applicable to their own particular situation.

We believe that if people do not KNOW about their wildlife and natural resources, they cannot care about them. More to the point perhaps in Africa’s many poor rural and urban areas, even if people know that killing wildlife and over-exploiting their natural resources is wrong and harmful in the long term, if they do not know of any ALTERNATIVE methods to make a living without destroying the very resources they rely on in the long term, it is impossible for them to change their ways. Therefore, education is crucial, and we believe that film is one of the most powerful ways of imparting information in a memorable way, and also of sharing information between communities so that they can learn from each other.

Films made about Africa for Western television do not have much resonance in Africa itself; hence the reason for the birth of the African Environmental Film Foundation. Since its launch in 1998, AEFF has been producing and distributing educational films about environmental issues in Africa, for the people of Africa, in their own languages. These films are distributed free of charge and are seen by millions of people, predominantly in East Africa and increasingly further afield on the continent and internationally.

By making films exclusively about African issues, in multiple African dialects and languages, and by presenting the facts and working examples in a balanced and impartial way, AEFF enables people to make informed decisions about their own environment, and shows them ways to forge a way out of poverty without depleting the very natural resources on which they depend for a healthy and sustainable future in the long term.
In tandem, these same films allow people in Western countries to gain a true understanding of the real issues facing people in Africa, which could have long-lasting benefits for cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

One of our distribution partners sets up the screen for a film showing in Maungu Town, rural Kenya.

As with many of our audiences, this one at Maungu consisted of eager kids as well as knowledge-hungry adults.


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