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Tracks4Africa app on iPad ...finally!


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OK, so I found out (via 4x4community.co.za) that Tracks4Africa finally has an app in Apple's app store. 90€ ...quite expensive compared to most apps but definitely worth it. No more need to buy or rent a GPS!


I got an iPad3 and an iPhone4S, so I'm trying to figure out if the app will run on both, and whether or not it will run in the middle of the bush, with nothing but a GPS signal. And also; will it show all small tracks like all other T4A maps?


According to 4x4community.co.za that should all be OK. But I still would like confirmation from T4A website. And here's the weird thing; I cannot find any info of the app on T4A's own site. Has anyone found it?







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You mean like this on their front page? Also available for android phones/tablets. It says on iTunes that the same app works on both iPad and iPhone and iPod Touch. It's more limited in functionality that their version for Garmin GPSs.



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Hey John,


That leads to download pages.

But no where can I find more info like what connection is needed, what details are on the maps etc.

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Hey Jochen,


There is some information on iTunes. It's a 690MB download which suggests that no connection is required during use, all the map data is on the device. The app is universal (the + sign indicates that).


The detail is described as "Traveller's Africa" by which they mean about 90% coverage of roads used by travellers but under 10% (their estimate) of all African roads plus points of interest recommended by travellers. All roads on their maps have been travelled by vehicles with GPS recording turned on and points of interest submitted by members. They say none are taken from paper maps or satellite imagery.

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Guess who is driving in front then ?? :P

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Hmmm... then all the roads we'll do will probably be in the app, John. But would like to see some vids on how it looks, how it works etc.


@André; only if sufficiently far apart, because I don't like eating dust. ;)

Also; we can "do blocks" while looking for animals. Don't forget; I'm bringing the radios. And their range is 2-3km.

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@@Jochen,I meant you must drive in front ,as you got the new GPS.


Funny thing is ,in Dec when Michele and I were in Moremi,my GPS kept taking me off a main track,and I kept going back to it ,in the end I was right and the GPS was wrong,now how does one explain this.Only my gut feel kept taking me back to that road ,never been on it before.So now I do what I always do, follow my nose.

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Maybe US intelligence were "borrowing" some GPS satellites. We had that over here, a couple of times. Was even in the news.

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