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Mana Pools to Gonarezhou


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Hi Everyone,


We are wanting to drive down to Gonarezhou after a few days in Mana Pools. It is a long stretch but we reckon we could do it in two full days. Is this being too optimistic? We are hiring a Landrover, which we concede, doesn't have the fastest of speeds.

My main question is, does anyone have a good shortcut or indeed information on any route from Mana Pools down to Gonarezhou.




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thank you for your reply. A relief to hear that in 2 days it is doable. Where are you staying in Harare (if you don't mind me asking)?. I seem to hear reports that the city should really be avoided, so we were going to try to push on and stay somewhere past it. Bulawayo is meant to be fine to visit but not so Harare.



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Best stick to main routes ,Cannot take the chance at driving at night,too many cattle and donkeys along the way.There are hardly any fences left to keep these animals in.

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Bulawayo is 90% the opposition than Harare,so the chances are if there is a rigged vote not too many Mugabe supporters that side.Harare has both 60/40 so the chances are far greater for violence there.

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Presumably you are having your first night in Gonorezhou in the Northern part of the park? it is certainly do-able from Harare in one day and there are a few large towns as you travel down where you can stop for fuel and food essentials etc.

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Hmmm, so far I hadn't been able to get any concrete dates for the election. June 29th......well we plan to start our three week trip beginning of September and to date haven't booked anything. However, as we are penciled in for car hire, walking safari and canoe safari, I guess we will be asked to do so before long. All a tad worrying.

Bulawayo only was seen as a safer visit over Harare in a 'normal' year - not the election year. I wouldn't imagine that anywhere in Zimbabwe would be totally safe if the elections go awry.

Thanks for Jacana Gardens - I shall Google it for reference :)


Yes, Gonarezhou. I shall have to start a different thread for this one as we wish to enter in the North and leave in the South, in order to get back to Jo'burg. Will be asking for routes in the parks and best wild camp spots!


Thank you all for your replies.

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2 or 3 years ago you could not drive through from north to south as there was no road through. You had to exit the north drive down the road bordering the park and the communal areas and then turn left into the souther sector.

My guess is that this may still be the case

Edited by wilddog
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Thanks Wilddog,


That is just the kind of information that proves invaluable to planning a trip!

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