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Its a hummingbird nest outside my window!


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I feel like we've found a leprechan or a unicorn....its a hummingbird nest!

We have had feeders out for years and years with much success, but I've never found a nest until this week. She's on a branch right outside our bathroom window. Best viewpoint is while standing in our bathtub. Guess I'll have to keep things tidy now. :P


Hubby made this video of her working on the nest. We learned that its made from spider webs and lichen...and it stretches as the chicks grow. We think she laid eggs Saturday (August 3), so we have a couple of weeks to wait before they hatch (14-21 days depending on temperatures).


Maybe you all have these hanging from every branch in your home locale, but here in Minne"snow"ta -- its a miracle to find one.







A short video of our "Duchess Kate" bulding her nest for the royal birth:

Edited by SimplyRed
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  • 4 weeks later...

Our babies have hatched!




They are hungry and energetic. Flapping those little wings already. I think its amazing how the nest stretches and moves with them. I also think its pretty crazy how far that mama sticks her beak down their throat. Looks like it might come out the other end!




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Some of you have been following the progress of our backyard hummingbird nest.

I am devastated to report that shortly after posting the above video yesterday, something ate our baby birds.

I went to spy on them about 5pm and the nest and its precious contents were gone. We searched the ground, all the bushes and the whole tree with no success. We can only see what little is left of the nest hanging on the branch. There was no sign of the babies anywhere. We have both owls and hawks in our backyard trees. The little nest was very visible on its branch. We think maybe a hawk spotted the movement of the tiny birds and that was the end.

I know they are only birds and its "nature" and all, but I still cried.



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Very sad. Are the parents still around?

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