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Lets see your red colobus photos/videos


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The taxonomy of red colobus is very complicated so the exact number of species/subspecies is still disputed.


The recently published Mammals of Africa describes six species


The Western red colobus Procolobus badius


Found from Senegal and Gambia to Western Ivory Coast the three races of this monkey include the Miss Waldron’s red colobus P. badius waldronii from Eastern Ivory Coast and Western Ghana however this race is probably now extinct as none have been seen for a long time, there is a slim chance that some may survive in Ivory Coast.


Preuss’s red colobus Procolobus preussi has a very restricted distribution on the southern Nigeria/Cameroon border


Pennant’s red colobus Procolobus pennantii there are three races of Pennant’s red colobus one P. pennantii penanntii on Bioko Island in the Gulf of Guinea, P. penanntii epieni in the Niger Delta and P. penanntii bouvieri in a small area of Eastern Congo Brazzaville


Eastern red colobus Procolobus rufomitratus this species is primarily found in the DRC and is divided into 9 races I won’t list them all but they include the Ugandan red colobus P. rufomitratus tephrosceles that occurs in Uganda and Western Tanzania down the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika where it is found in both Gombe Stream and Mahale Mts NPs (where they are commonly preyed on by chimpanzees), and the Tana River red colobus P. rufomitratus rufomitratus that occurs in a very small and isolated part of Kenya along the Lower Tana River.


Udzungwa red colobus Proclobus gordonorum this species is restricted to the Udzungwa Mts in South Central Tanzania



Zanzibar red colobus Procolobus kirkii is almost entirely restricted to Unguja the main island of Zanzibar it would once have occurred throughout the island but is now confined to a few small areas notably the Jozani Chwaka Bay National Park. A small population also exists on the neighbouring island of Pemba after a number of these monkeys were introduced into a forest reserve there in 1974.


So if you have any photos or videos of any of the red colobus species/subspecies please post them here.


Only reds please if you have photos/videos of black & whites please add them to this thread Let’s see your black & white colobus photos

Edited by inyathi
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These two photos are scanned cropped and photoshopped slides so they're not the best photos, I hope someone else might have some better ones.





Ugandan red colobus Procolobus rufomitratus tephrosceles Bigodi Swamp near Kibale Forest NP Uganda


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The following photos of Udzungwa red colobus Procolobus gordonorum were all taken in Udzungwa Mountains National Park



Udz005 Udzungwa Red Colobus









Red colobus



Red colobus









The following two photos were taken from Hondo-Hondo Udzungwa Forest Camp on the edge of the national park





Falling red colobus


Colobus are prodigious leapers this one just dropped out of a tree

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These photos of the Zanzibar or Kirk's red colobus Procolobus kirkii were all taken just outside Jozani Forest














As with the Ugandan photos these are scanned cropped and Photoshopped slides, My slide scanner is probably not the best so I had to use Photoshop to stop these photos from just being silhouettes. I'm sure a few members here must have been to Zanzibar so if you have photos of these monkeys please post them, it would be good to have some better photos of Zanzibar red colobus than these ones (or any of the other red colobus species/subspecies).

Edited by inyathi
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The monkey experience was one of the highlights of our recent trip to Zanzibar. It was mostly with a point-n-shoot and we got a few videos.


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  • 3 months later...

Though this needed a boost: another red colobus from the Jozani Forest on Zanzibar





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  • 5 years later...

Leaping Ugandan red colobus near the Sebitoli Gate Kibale Forest Uganda



Uganda red colobus, Kibale Forest National Park, Uganda by inyathi, on Flickr





































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