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Zimbabwe self-drive - fantastic!


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Before I go any further.....I just want to say that after nearly a month spent in Hwange, Mana Pools and Matusadona, I have finally returned but the trip reort will have to wait a tad.

My Dad is under the weather ( 80yrs ) and so my time is being diverted. I shall endeavour to enlighten you all with a report and photos, but not sure when.


@@Whyone? We absolutely loved the camp site at Tashinga! Yes, the ride down was horrendous but rather exciting! The drive back seemed easier somehow. Hubby said that it was because on the way in, we were climbing down the escarpement and so were always being thrown forward in the seats, the way back we were able to shoulder the bumps leaning back into our seats.Nothing has been done to the road (track, path, boulder strewn river beds) since your visit.The camp site though was worth it (in our opinion). So much so, that we would brave the route again to stay there :D


We loved Zimbabwe, her landscapes, her people and especially her wildlife.

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Hope your dad feels better soon. Really looking forward to reading this when you find the time.

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glad you had such fantastic time @@appleblossom. Sorry to hear about your Dad; hope he recovers soon.

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I know how hard it is to come off a fantastic safari to illness at home. May your dad recover soon and you can come back and re-live your memories with us.

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Hope all is well with your Dad and look forward to reading your TR when everything's good again @@appleblossom.

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Thank you everyone for all your comments and well wishes. Feels akin to a 'herd instinct', where all members look out for the weak and vulnerable. ^_^

Enjoy your day, all of you.

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My first post on Safaritalk! My wife and I are contemplating visiting Mana Pools but struggle with supporting anything related to Mugabe. I realize for the most part that all of Africa is corrupt, but his regime is clearly one of the most oppressive. How do people feel about this issue and Zimbabwe particularly?

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I also hope that your father recovers. I've visited Mana Pools twice, as well as Hwange. I also spent three days canoeing on the Zambezi River.


Best regards,Owen

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also know what it is like to return home to a father who is very ill. It's good you are home with him.


Zim self drive has to be quite the adventure. Please share in time.

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