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African Wild Dog Hunt - Sabi Sands trip report - part 4


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Still here in Abu Dhabi airport and my legs are aching. The only place I can get power and an internet connection seems to be a long counter where I have to stand. 3 hours so far.

I'll never take my office chair for granted again.


Here is the fourth and final installment of my Sabi Sands diary. It is hard to think how my stay could have ended on a higher note. Each game drive brought new highlights but this was the best. African Wild Dogs hunting impala. Awesome.


It's a link again I'm afraid but I should be back home tomorrow and can start working normally again.


African Wild Dog Hunt


Thanks for reading

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Wow, dogs and rhino at the same time. What a tough decision - I'm a rhino guy and would have had a tough time deciding. Watching wild dogs hunt (chase down and take turns nipping in one after another to wear down their prey) is an exhilarating experience that really demonstrates the harshness of nature.

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Amazing hunt. A tough call that turned out right!

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