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Hello, I m new in this forum. I my pleasure to meet all wildlife lover and photographer in this forum. I would also like to share my wildlife experience with you all. I hope you will enjoy my pictures which I had taken on my 31 days overland trip in inida. I started my travelling from jabalpur and then went to pench national park , kanha national park, bandhavgarh national park, panna national park, khajuraho, ranthamnore national park, Keoladeo bird sanctuary, corbett national park, rishikesh , rajaji national park and ended up in dehradun. It was really long journey and I had enjoyed lotss. In central India I could see Tigers and other wildlife like deer,jackal,wilddog,wildboar,birds. But in northern part of India like in Jim corbett national park and Rajaji national park we had trageted Asiatic elephant, because they found in that region only. It was a time when they had spreaded all over India but because of poaching and ivory problem they had migrated to northen part of india and some had gone till nepal aswell. Small poulation of Asiatic elephants live in souther part of india aswell Which also migrate according to the food supply and weather condition.

Corbett and rajaji is very good for birding aswell.


Below I have attached my pictures.






Indian ghost tree from Pench national park




Teak forest of pench national park.




Barasingha or swamp deer from kanha national park




sal forest of kanha national park




Tamed Asiatic elephant from kanha.




Collared scoops owl




safari picture of panna national park.. everyone looking for tiger :P




Muggar crocodile from panna national park - ken river




ken river of panna national park




T12 or T2 I m bit confused in name because guide said t12 but other said t2.. but it is confirmed that this tigress got shifted from bandhavgarh tiger reserve to panna 2 years back.




Same tigress from panna, you can see radio collar on her neck. She is under obervation of forest dept. but still roams free inside the jungle.




marking her territory by scratching and scat. It was evening time so she was getting ready for some hunt aswell.




India roller from Panna




not very clear picture but it is painted stork from keoladeo bird sanctuary




Darter or snake bird. Can you imagine why we call him snake bird??




Jungle babbler or 7 sisiter. did you know that they mostly live in group of seven or more and chatter lots like 7 group of ladies:P very niosy bird, Thats why we call them 7 sister.


post-47799-0-63087600-1393927675_thumb.jpgHanuman langur from corbett national park. I have seen one difference that they are more greyer than central indian langur.. Do you know whats the reason behind it??




game drive in Jim corbett national park




It was our overland vehicle




Camping at ghatghar. 40 kms towards north from corbett national park and 25 kms closer to nainital hills station.




View from our camp site.




Blue Whistling-Thrush


post-47799-0-07778200-1393927716_thumb.jpgBlue Whistling-Thrush




Terrain of rajaji national park




Changable hawk eagle - juvenile from rajaji




Sambar deer from rajaji




Asiatic elephant male - subadult from rajaji national park




Asiatic elephant - Herd of female - rajaji




Asiatic elephant - Herd of female - rajaji




Guess the big mark.. ??




Changable hawk eagle - juvenile from rajaji




Thrush from mussorie




pictures taken at dhanaulti which is 20kms northwards from mussoorie




pictures taken at dhanaulti which is 20kms northwards from mussoorie

Edited by Game Warden
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Game Warden

@@Deeptiwildlifetraveler - Welcome to Safaritalk and thanks for uploading these images. I've just edited your post a little to tidy up how the pictures display. I look forward to many more of your posts from India.



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Thanks Matt for letting me know about where should I post. I will surely keep it in my mind and do it from next post.


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Lots of interesting photos of your travels in India

I had not heard of Rajaji before - looks good

I hope you post some more!

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Hello TonuQ...

Many thanks to liked my pictures.

Rajaji national park is in Uttarakhand state of India which is very close to Holy place - Rishikesh.

This national park is very famous for its Asiatic elephant sighting and leopards. The density of tiger is not lots but it has Tiger.

The varieties of mammals, bird life is really very good.

I m going again in october with my overland group.

I will surely post more pictures of my previous overland trip.

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Welcome @Deeptiwildlifetraveller it's nice to see a TR from India. I look forward to more.

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Thanks for sharing your exciting adventure, T2 or T12, it's a gorgeous cat!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Peter Connan

Thank you @@Deeptiwildlifetraveler


If it was in Africa, I would say the track is a leopard?

Edited by Peter Connan
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you @@Deeptiwildlifetraveler


If it was in Africa, I would say the track is a leopard?


The pictures are from India. And your guessing was right, it is leopard spoor marks.

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