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After starting a thread on Tapirs I noticed that there wasn’t one for their principal predator in Central and South America the majestic jaguar and thought it was time to start one as there are already threads on most of the other big cats. Sometime ago I did have a go through my jaguar photos comparing their rosette patterns to some of the jaguars in other member’s reports but didn’t find any that matched. Perhaps if enough photos are added to this thread I will have another go and actually find that others who’ve been to Brazil have in fact photographed the same jaguars that I have, or at least that the same jaguars appear in more than one report. :)


If you have any photos or videos of jaguars please add them to this thread.


The jaguar (Panthera onca) largest of the New World cats once ranged from Uruguay in the south as far north as the U.S. state of Colorado but past hunting for skins, relentless persecution by livestock farmers and major habitat destruction has severely reduced and fragmented their range. They’re now extinct in Uruguay and El Salvador and although occasional itinerant males have been seen in Arizona, jaguars are no longer breeding in the USA. The barriers being put up along the US/Mexican border in the form of walls and fences to keep out two legged immigrants, from Central America will obviously also keep out the four legged kind. So even if proper protection allows the population of jaguars in Sonora in the north of Mexico to expand, they will not be able to recolonise the US if they can’t cross the border. It’s very unlikely that any attempt will be made to reintroduce jaguars,so it will be a long time before they’re back breeding in the US ,if at all.


Interestingly if you zoom in on this Range Map there are several spots shown in Arizona you can also see just how close the most northerly Mexican population is to the border.


Here’s a link to the Northern Jaguar Project, who are striving to protect these jaguars in the Northern Jaguar Reserve in Sonora.


Jaguars are generally very elusive animals so throughout most of their range, they are very difficult to see, though they are seen reasonably often in the Manu area of Peru, the Iwokrama Forest in Guyana and in the Llanos of Venezuela and very occasionally in parts of Costa Rica like Corcovado NP.


There is however, one area where you can be almost certain of seeing them, the Brazilian Pantanal specifically along the Rio Cuiaba and Rio Paraguai, if you really want to see wild jaguars then this part of Brazil has to be you’re first port of call. My report Brazil, Birds, Beasts and Big Waters along with other Brazil trip reports and the photos in this thread should show just how great this region is for Jaguar sightings.

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Here's a big male on a sandbank on the Rio Cuiaba near Porto Jofre in the Brazilian Pantanal photographed with a Canon EOS 50D + 100-400mm lens


Male Jaguar



When he got up it became apparent that he had been radio collared

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Another big male Jaguar on the Rio Cuiaba






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Two female jaguars photographed in the Porto Jofre area in July 2013








Paraguay River, July 2013






A very soggy jaguar, Manu, August 2013




Disappearing Jaguar, Tambopata, August 2013



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I was lucky enough to see six individuals last September in the Pantanal, some of them long and/or repeated sightings. Only one was too shy and too fast away to have his picture taken.


Our first one, a female on Rio Paraguay. Found her 30 minutes before the end of our last boat-trip on the river in four days, so it´s an understatement to say we were happy to see her. (We had had a coldish streak, and the cats don´t like to come out to the sandbanks then.)



Very big male at Corixo Negro (the Black Channel), watched him for hours before and after noon. It really was a mistake driving back to Porto Jofre for lunch. We thought he wouldn´t do anything, but actually he decided to have lunch, too - and caught himself some caiman. The bloodstains are visible in the second picture.


Another big male, this one at Rio Cuiaba. Because of the collar I thought this could be the same one as seen by @@inyathi , but no, the rosettes and spots are definitely different.

He was following this female:


With this in mind:


This is a smaller male, about eight years old, at the Tres Irmaos River:






Damn, trying to identify jaguars is hard! I spent some time now trying to compare the different individuals on this this thread, looking for (dis-)similarities, and now I´ve got a headache. Too many rosettes and spots! :)


Apparently all different ones though, so it´s up to @TonyQ and @@Atdahl now to bring home some pics of the ones displayed here from their upcoming trips. No pressure, guys .... ;)


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Thank you! It is exciting seeing these - we are off in a few weeks and will be very pleased if we get sightings anything like the excellent ones on this page.

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I´m sure you will! :)


When are you off, and did PJ work out after all?

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In about 3 weeks time!

Yes we managed to get Hotel Poro Jofre - staying there 3 nights.

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Some older images dating back to September 2011, from the Rio Tres Irmaos and Rio Cuiaba area.



Three weeks to go until I can start my next Pantanal adventure. This time it will be the southern part near Aquidauana and Campo Grande. Ocelots, pumas, jaguars, giant river otters, giant ant-eaters, plenty of bird life...

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Some great images there pme. Enjoy your trip.

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@@Treepol great to see some Peruvian jaguars, thanks to everyone for their contributions, I hope over time there will be many more.


The same male from my last post



Flehmen response, there's a female around here somewhere


Going for a swim





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Glad you got Porto Jofre, I´m sure you will love (all of) it. Looking forward to hearing all about it. :)

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Wow these are all beautiful pics of the Jaguar. I'd love to see them as well. Looking forward to your report @@TonyQ with many images :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another Male Jaguar on the banks of the Rio Cuiaba





I wonder what tourist tastes like

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OMG - now I want to go to the Pantanal ........... WOW. Awesome images, everyone ..... that's one MAJESTIC cat!!!

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A few more shots of the same male before he disappeared back in to the jungle.




Big yawn


Returning to the Jungle

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All these images are making me want to return to the Pantanal and see more of Brazil!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Some additions from our recent trip to Brazil - the Pantanal - all in the Porto Jofre area




Later that same day


Next Day



And our final morning on the river




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  • 6 months later...
Tom Kellie


~ @@TonyQ


May I please be excused for gaping in wonder?

That's one SUPERB jaguar-in-action image!

Your lens was low enough to give the viewer a sense of proximity.

The details on the whiskers and on the grass blades — thrilling!

It's beyond my experience to imagine what it might be like to be so near to a jaguar in water.

You're a master craftsman of outstanding big cat images.

With Admiration,

Tom K.

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