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Iberian lynx


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Hi all!


This is my first contribution after just finding this forum. It looks like it is a fine forum, where lots are being shared. Europe is not represented well, so I hope I can help :-)


My first report is from the mountain area in Andalucia, Spain. I was there in February to look for lynx. I am nuts about predators, and especially cats, so when I heard there was a slight opportunity to see a Iberian lynx in this area, I brought my cameras and set off.


I arrived at Malaga airport, where I picked up the rental car. The plane landed at 11PM and I had a long drive in darkness. When I got to Sierra Morena, I parked under some trees, and slept for a couple of hours until sunrise. I then started the search on all the known vantage points at La Lanca road and along rio Jandula. I had no luck this morning, and around 11 AM, I found the hotel where I was going to stay for the next two days. The bad luck from the morning was soon to change. The evening was amazing and

to make a long story short, I had unbelievable luck on my quest, and got 3 different lynxes pretty close to me. One while walking in the bush behind the La Lanca fort:





Another one at the Jandula river:





The third one was to early in the morning, and still dark, so no photos.


I could not believe my luck.


I spent all my time to look for these cats, so no photos of anything else, I´m sorry.



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Terrific lynx sightings, thanks for sharing!

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Welcome to Safaritalk and what a great first contribution! Beautiful animals.

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Welcome. Great sightings and excellent photos of beautiful animals

Thank you

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Peter Connan

Beautiful cats! Thanks for sharing.

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Welcome and thanks for sharing such great photos of lynx. I've never seen one and I love cats. Bring more on it you have them!

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Panthera Pardus

Welcome and thanks for sharing

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Thank´s for the nice comments.


I might have a couple more photos for those interested like this:






or this:







It was some magical days in the Sierra Morena!



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Great images! I saw four there last year, a pair that were close to the car before dawn and two other scope views. No pics sadly! :(

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Great story! Congratulations on seeing the rarest cat species of the world in the wild!

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Thank you!


I will try to share some of my trips, as I have had much help form other folks reports my self. Next adventure is hopefully India.

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Thursday's Child

Wonderful photographs, thank you! You must tell us where exactly you went and 'the known vantage points' you mention.

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The "known" vantage point is on the road towards La Lanca. Just before you get to the La Lanca fort (maybe a kilometre) there is a great opening that three lynx territories overlap. This is probably the best place to see a lynx, but often at a distance. Bring a spotting scope. Behind La Lanca there is a nice grassy area, where rabbits feed, and therefore lynx I guess. The other known spotting place is along the rio jandula drive. a rough dirt road. At its highest point you can look across the river, and lynx often come down to drink in the river at evenings and mornings. You can also try the hill to the left of the Dam. There has been lynx spotted there many times. There is also often Ibex at the dam wall.


Hope this helps :-)

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@@arcticfly, what a great experience. I too love the cats and these are high on my list. Congrats on having such good luck and making the most of it with really good photos!

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Great report. There is a lack of European reports, and it is really nice to see what we have at our own yard. This is an inspiration, and seems to me a place to go.


Thank you!

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Awesome. Welcome :)

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  • 10 months later...

For spanish speaking ST members, this is the last census of the lynx in Andalucia.



The population of Doñana is decreasing as well as the Sierra Morena population, which is closely linked with a new rabbit epidemic. The project reintroduced lynx in Portugal for the first time ever, but from the two specimen reintroduced one had died apparently. Thus, the project will certainly not reach its objective to change the status of the species to endangered (more than 450 lynxes by 2016)

Here is the website of the project



Here is the website of the ex-situ conservation project based on a captive breeding program and reintroduction in the wild:


Edited by jeremie
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