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Tom Kellie

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~ @ravipatel888:


You've spoiled us with so many excellent images.

Viewed as a single trip report, it's such a compelling example of the beauty of African wildlife.

The bat-eared foxes and python are delightful, and the leopard portrait is top-of-the-line!

Reading through your commentary and enjoying the photos makes me think more about eventually visiting Tanzania.

With Appreciation,

Tom K.



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A quick epilogue to end this trip report. Realizing our earlier misstep in estimating driving times, we figured we had around 12 hours to go before reaching Nairobi, so by 6am, the car was packed and we were on our way. We caught a few quick highlights on the way out of Serengeti.








Naabi Hill was much quieter at that time of the morning, and it only took a few minutes to clear. As we were driving along the plateau road above Ngorongoro…




Once we hit the tarmac road, we realized how much black cotton soil had built up on the wheels, and this became even more apparent as we headed down the escarpment towards Manyara and the brakes kept seizing. Luckily, at Mto wa Mbu we found a pressure car wash, so we stopped for a quick clean and lunch.


The remainder of the return journey was pretty uneventful, and even the border crossing back into Kenya was quick and painless. Back in Kenya, we’re on the wrong side of the road, apparently!



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Looks like a fitting conclusion to a great trip!

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Very cool "on the road" shot. You had a terrific safari, loved the lush, green setting you had. Beautiful report, I hope we will see more from you! :)

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Love the last shot! Only in Africa. :D


An all around great safari and with self driving to the camps you saw quite a bit of activity and mud. Love all the quinessential Serengeti shots. Enjoyed seeing the look of Olivers and Dunia. Must get there one day...


Also enjoyed having Paul Oliver pop in and say hello.

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That was a great little trip and it certainly seems to be an excellent combination of locations for the time of year.

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