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James Bay Canada shorebirds + other birds


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Each late summer for the past several years I have looked forward to living vicariously through Jean Iron's reports from conservation research camps in the far north.


Jean is fortunate enough to participate in conservation research projects for the Canadian government in bush camps along the shores of James Bay. They are guests of the Moose Cree First Nation and the sites they visit are not open to outsiders unless they are doing official research and have permission from the Moose Cree tribe. In prior years, Jean worked at Longridge Point - heaven for shorebirders, rail enthusiasts, and sparrow lovers. But her current site, North Point, is pretty amazing as well.


Jean has posted a report summary with WONDERFUL photos and videos - including some very charming + confiding Gray Jays and a great photo + video of LeConte's Sparrow (one of my very favorite birds and a real skulker).




At the bottom of each page, click the link to proceed to the next page.


I hope this online journal helps @@Geoff and @@JohnR pass the time during their respective recoveries.



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