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Ruaha in August 2015


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Mid August we spent 4 nights in Mwagusi Camp as a couple and had a fantastic time. Not only was the guide very photo-savvy and would direct the driver to the right spot but also we enjoyed the whole out-of-africa experience of sundowners, lantern lit dinners, and personal wakeup calls with coffee and tea every morning. Of course this came at a steep price and I'm glad having found this forum to find out more about lower-cost options to do what we both enjoy doing: watching small and larg wildlife and taking pictures.


At first I was a bit worried about a recent article about elephants having disappeared from Selous and statistics being held back for Ruaha NP. But upon arrival we found everathing to be there - the whole trophic chain. Great experience, which I can recommend. I only had seen Kruger NP and Ngorongoro NP before, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.


I posted further images on my blog if you are interested.


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Mid August we spent 4 nights in Mwagusi Camp as a couple and had a fantastic time. Not only was the guide very photo-savvy and would direct the driver to the right spot but also we enjoyed the whole out-of-africa experience of sundowners, lantern lit dinners, and personal wakeup calls with coffee and tea every morning. Of course this came at a steep price and I'm glad having found this forum to find out more about lower-cost options to do what we both enjoy doing: watching small and larg wildlife and taking pictures.


At first I was a bit worried about a recent article about elephants having disappeared from Selous and statistics being held back for Ruaha NP. But upon arrival we found everathing to be there - the whole trophic chain. Great experience, which I can recommend. I only had seen Kruger NP and Ngorongoro NP before, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.


I posted further images on my blog if you are interested.


~ @@swiss2015


Welcome to Safaritalk!

It's very nice to have you here and to receive your Ruaha trip report.

From your description it sounds as though you enjoyed an exceptional experience.

If you ever feel comfortable doing so, a self-introduction in the Introductions section would be most welcome.

What sorts of sightings did you have? I ask as your blog isn't available where I live.

We'd be very interested in a couple of photos here and a few details about your experience, but only if time and circumstances permit.

Thank you for joining us. May your next safari also be excellent...and more moderately priced.

Tom K.

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@@swiss2015 Some lovely photos on your blog, especially of the elephants of course - the walking down to the river shot I like, There are still a lot of elephants in Ruaha, and many calm ones too. You needn't have worried to that extent, although the news is alarming.


Welcome to Safaritalk- from your concerns and interests I am sure you will find much of interest here,

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Really nice photos. I like the "early morning in the bush" quite a bit. Your LBR photo is also a great one. I would also be happy to see any more you'd care to post.

Overall, how did you feel your Ruaha experience compared to Kruger and Ngorongoro?

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Dear all,


Thank you for your kind words.

@Tom: I like to keep the duplication low. But I selected a few pic to upload but I seem to be unable to find a way to upload to the media library. Is it something I can't do in topic replies?

The sightings included the following animals but I'm afraid I don't have details as to the exact species: Elephants, Hyena, Lion, Leopard, Giraffe, Baboon, Mongoose, Eagle, Kingfisher, Hippopotamus, Buffalo, Impala, Kudu, Vulture, Jackal, Owl, Caracal, Dik-dik, Hyrax, Lizard


@Marks: Ngorongoro feels like a large natural zoo where a dozen vehicles gather around every lion. Initially I liked it but then I saw Kruger. There I enjoyed driving some stretches of the road more than once and seeing new things. Or just looking at whatever animals as long as it pleased me. I'm not sure how this forum takes it but I also enjoyed the opportunity to buy farmed game at the camps, BBQ it and taste kudu, buffalo and warthog. In Ruaha I had the best experience altogether even though after 4 days I missed the opportunity to walk around wherever I liked. As some other forum members explained, wild animals are roaming the camp at night so you might find tracks on the sandy walkways. A couple of weeks before our visit a whole pack of lions had decided to rest in the Mwagusi camp and it must have taken quite some effort to chase them away to make the camp safe for the breakfast guests. I still have Chobe NP on my bucket list but haven't read yet what others are saying about it.

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@@swiss2015 If you select "Gallery" from the navigation bar near the top of the page, you should be able to create an album and upload photos from there. But then I see that your LBR photo above seems to be uploaded here, so maybe I am misunderstanding the problem you were having with uploading.


I appreciate your thoughts on comparing the different experiences you've had; surely each has its own charms.

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