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Trail Cam Photos


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Hopefully, this is an acceptable topic for this forum. Since moving to Arizona last spring, we have set up two Bushnell trail cams on our 1 acre property to see what wildlife passes through when we aren't looking. The quality of these cameras is just good enough for identification (and even that is tough sometimes). So, a future project for me is to set up an DSLR trail cam to improve the quality.


I am sure that there are others with trail cams set up so feel free to share your photos as well.


The full gallery of photos can be found here: http://www.focusedonnature.com/Arizona/Trail-Cam-Photos/


Here are a few of the better ones.






White-tailed Deer:








Hooded Skunk:



Collared Peccary (Javelina):




Gambel's Quail Family:




Gray Fox:




When we set up the first trail cam we were capturing video but the quality wasn't great and weeding through dozens of 30 sec clips each day got old. I did put together a video of some of our sightings. I tried to turn it into an identification game but the results weren't as good as I hoped. But, here's a link anyway in case anyone wants to see it:




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That's an impressive variety of visiting wildlife @@Atdahl . Most interesting.


I've always thought of peccaries being in South and Central America and hadn't realised that they extend into the southern States.


Looks like the Gray Fox is a handsome animal with a very bushy tail - if you have a daytime photo I'd be intrigued to see its colouration.

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Hopefully, this is an acceptable topic for this forum. Since moving to Arizona last spring, we have set up two Bushnell trail cams on our 1 acre property to see what wildlife passes through when we aren't looking. The quality of these cameras is just good enough for identification (and even that is tough sometimes). So, a future project for me is to set up an DSLR trail cam to improve the quality.


I am sure that there are others with trail cams set up so feel free to share your photos as well.


~ @@Atdahl


This topic is far more than acceptable...it's a delight!

Although four decades ago I lived on the southern Arizona border, I never had such superb sightings.

At that time I was aware that such species lived in the area, but never actually saw them.

Your Trail Cam photos are fascinating.

Thank you so much for posting them.

Tom K.

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Thanks @@Tom Kellie. Hopefully, more folks will post their trail cam pictures.


@@Caracal, the Gray Fox have some color but are no where near as good looking as the Red Fox in my opinion. While not during the day, here is a Gray Fox picture from Point Reyes, CA that shows it's color.





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Thanks @@Atdahl - a handsome animal. That greyish colour on the back and tail looks to be similar to the colour of the saddle on the silver- backed jackal

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Thanks @@Tom Kellie. Hopefully, more folks will post their trail cam pictures.


@@Caracal, the Gray Fox have some color but are no where near as good looking as the Red Fox in my opinion. While not during the day, here is a Gray Fox picture from Point Reyes, CA that shows it's color.


~ @@Atdahl


Having never seen a Gray Fox, your image is especially interesting.

From Pt. Reyes, no less!

Decades ago I had a series of visits to Pt. Reyes, with delectable seafood meals in Pt. Reyes Station.

It's a pleasant surprise to see your fox photo from there.

Thank you for posting it.

Tom K.

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@@Tom Kellie. Great seafood meals are still easy to find around Pt Reyes although the Monterey area is even better these days. We love Pt Reyes and is one of the big things we will miss after moving to Arizona. It's also a great place to see Bobcat. So, it's worth a return visit if you ever find yourself in that part of the country again.

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@@Tom Kellie. Great seafood meals are still easy to find around Pt Reyes although the Monterey area is even better these days. We love Pt Reyes and is one of the big things we will miss after moving to Arizona. It's also a great place to see Bobcat. So, it's worth a return visit if you ever find yourself in that part of the country again.


~ @@Atdahl


Seafood meals and bobcat sightings — you're pressing all of the right buttons!

Although I haven't set foot in the United States since 2007, what you've kindly mentioned above are exactly the sort of features which might motivate me to book a return visit.

Long ago I lived in Carefree, Scottsdale and Nogales, so have an appreciation for Arizona's charms.

I'm so glad that you like the Pt. Reyes area as much as I do. The Monterey and Big Sur area are one of the world's beauty spots, which is why I love the nature photos which @@Patty posts from time to time.

We're all so blessed to have known and enjoyed such abundant natural beauty!

Tom K.

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