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Just back home this afternoon and am happy to say in my 2000th post that yes, @@Kitsafari and her husband (who is a lurker - hi, H!) and I saw the tigers, Maya and her cubs included, though never all at once! It was not easy to see tigers and when we did, it was often under less than ideal conditions, but they are magnificent and so glad to have seen them. The traveling home was really exhausting and one of my suitcases has been lost by Virgin - at least it was on the way home when I don't need it so much. More to come after some recovery from the travel.

Edited by SafariChick
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@@SafariChick CONGRATS on your pith! what a way to celebrate the 2000th post. :)


and very relieved that you're done with that travel ordeal and are home to put your feet up and relax, and finally enjoy the photos on a large screen!


sorry to hear about the lost piece of luggage. Hope it finds its way back to you.

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Welcome back, @@SafariChick and @@Kitsafari !


Looking very much forward to hearing more about your adventures in India! Great you saw Maya and the cubs.


And congratulations on the pith, Jane - well deserved! :)


Hopefully that suitcase will reappear.

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Welcome back - I am glad you got to see the tigers!

Congratulations on the Pith - well deserved for your positive enthusiastic contribution. Your posts are always enjoyable to read.


Welcome back


I look forward to the trip report :)

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@@SafariChick, will be waiting to hear all the details, the good, the not-so-good and the fantastic, once you've had time to rest and reflect.India can throw it all at you.

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Welcome home. I am always impressed with those who report back so quickly upon return. It usually takes me a long time. Lost luggage coming home is much preferable to on the way there.


It is kind of a thrill to witness your 2000th post and pith. Had the timing been a little different you could have worn it to India, and it would be in your lost luggage somewhere.


Looking forward to the details, when you have time. It is a busy season coming up.

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@@Atravelynn Well I wanted to make that one post at least so I could get that pith on my head, and then be free to post away with comments on others' reports! When I'll actually get to any report of my own is unsure and it may not be a full-blown report but I will try to do something! Once @@michael-ibk had pointed out to me before I left on the trip that I ought to save my 2000th post for something spectacular like reporting that I saw Maya and the cubs, I was forced to be mute until I could say that! But that was actually pretty easy as I left soon after that for India and our internet there was mostly non-existent to spotty so I really couldn't post much of anything from there!

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@@Atravelynn Well I wanted to make that one post at least so I could get that pith on my head, and then be free to post away with comments on others' reports! When I'll actually get to any report of my own is unsure and it may not be a full-blown report but I will try to do something! Once @@michael-ibk had pointed out to me before I left on the trip that I ought to save my 2000th post for something spectacular like reporting that I saw Maya and the cubs, I was forced to be mute until I could say that! But that was actually pretty easy as I left soon after that for India and our internet there was mostly non-existent to spotty so I really couldn't post much of anything from there!

Right, that makes perfect sense. You had the added stress of needing to find something pith worthy to report!

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@@marg yup, I was gone for two weeks! Oh and good news, they found my suitcase and delivered it tonight so I was only missing it a little over 24 hours.

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Can't wait to hear more about this journey. The last time I tuned in, there was some confusion about how long you all would be staying where!


Sounds like it all turned out great -- as if there was any real doubt about that. Glad you got your luggage back -- and that the mishap occurred on the return leg!

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thanks for the warm welcomes "home"!


I'm letting @@SafariChick take the helm on this report, and i'll just add little details or comments here and there. She'll be on top of everything!

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Glad to hear Virgin located your suitcase. I love that airline.

Excited to hear about the trip once you've had a chance to decompress.

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~ @@SafariChick


Welcome Back...and...CONGRATULATIONS!

What a magnificent 2,000th post!

As interesting as tigers are, I'll be especially interested in reading about your encounters with Asian elephants.

Whenever I think of you, I remember your tender affection for orphaned eles and other less fortunate animals.

I hope that the wedding was a pleasant experience.

Very good that you're back in time for the holidays to spoil your kids and OH.

Tom K.

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Welcome back! Seems like it was only yesterday that you were asking about the weather, lol. I can't wait to hear your report as I'm now counting the days to my India trip in February!!

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Welcome back! Seems like it was only yesterday that you were asking about the weather, lol. I can't wait to hear your report as I'm now counting the days to my India trip in February!!


~ @@janzin


December is approaching its end, then January.

February isn't all that distant.

India here you come!

Very glad to know that you're headed there.

Tom K.

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