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The Pantanal and Brazilian Amazon, Aug/Sept 2015


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We visited the area July 5-15, 2016. Our trip was organized by Pantanal Jaguar Safaris. Leen Gillis was amazing to work with and handled every detail of our stay in the North Pantanal and our stay in the South Pantanal. Andre was our guide in the North. He is very knowledgeable not only about jaguars but about fishing, birding, and the diversity of the region. While there are crowds for jaguar sightings, on our trip most of the guests were serious birders. They race in to take a picture of a jaguar then in 15 minutes they are off to see birds. We were there to see jaguars. On several occasions the cat stayed visible and active for up to 3 hours and we stayed too. We watched the cat hunt, sleep, swim the shore, and swim across the river. Our time in the South, we saw no jaguars. We enjoyed the birds, giant anteaters, etc. I definitely recommend the region and would book again with Pantanal Jaguar Safaris.

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Raffaella Gentili

I highly recommend Pantanal Jaguar Safaris. My boyfriend and I had a 5 days safari with them at the beginning of this month and Leen was our guide. We were really impressend by her knowledge and professionalism. She really loves her job and take very good care of her customers. Leen runs the company together with her husband Andrè. They are focused on providing their customers a top quality service, allowing them the best possible Pantanal experience. We loved the time we spent in Pantanal and our experience exceeded our expectations.We would definitely choose Pantanal Jaguar Safaris again!




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@@Raffaella Gentili Welcome to Safaritalk

Given your above post perhaps you would like to write a full trip report of your own, as you have been there recently?

@@janzin 's report is excellent with wonderful images, but there is always room for plenty more here on Safaritalk. I am sure we would all value reading about your trip and seeing your images.

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