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Western Uganda: Mountain Gorillas and Tree-Climbing Lions


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And onto the second trip report on my blog page - this one's from Uganda.




p.s. @@Tom Kellie check you inbox - I'm figuring out how to get the reports to you since you can't see them - anyone else have this problem?

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Game Warden

@@ravipatel888 Perhaps if you posted them on Safaritalk as well as using ST to drive traffic to your blog this problem wouldn't exist.



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Wow! 4 hours of trekking to get to the gorillas the first day! How did everyone in the group cope? I ask because we are going in October, and I'm wondering just how fit we need to get!! Cheers.

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Beautiful photos and engaging prose - I enjoyed the report very much!

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Looks really nice. Great gorilla encounters.

The "Lake Mburo" banner image is really something; what a view.

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~ @@ravipatel888


An overseas friend very kindly sent me screen shots of your lovely Uganda trip report.

The two separate gorilla groups make fascinating reading, enhanced by the fine images.

I was particularly interested in the tree-climbing lions as last month while staying at Porini Lion in Kenta, I observed a large lioness far up in a tree.

Thank you for sharing the link here.

Tom K.

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@@JulieM - I don't think you need to be very fit in general. It is essentially hiking on hilly terrain, it can be strenuous at times, but it should be manageable. Overall, it really is luck of the draw, depending on which gorilla group you get and how far into the forest they've moved. That same day, another group trekked about 15 minutes on flat terrain, and were back in camp for breakfast!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very professional setup. You had some great sightings of gorillas on the ground and lions in the trees. Nice birds too. An excellent combo!

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Wow! 4 hours of trekking to get to the gorillas the first day! How did everyone in the group cope? I ask because we are going in October, and I'm wondering just how fit we need to get!! Cheers.

You may already know this, but generally the slowest people go in front so no one gets left behind. The 4 hours probably includes frequent rest and hydration stops. You never know--could be 4 hours or 40 minutes. I believe you are doing some preparation, right?

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We are @@Atravelynn. Walking 5-6km, 5-6 times per week around our hilly suburb and the local state forest, as well as gym work. Losing weight too which should help. Hope that's enough!

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We are @@Atravelynn. Walking 5-6km, 5-6 times per week around our hilly suburb and the local state forest, as well as gym work. Losing weight too which should help. Hope that's enough!

Gorillas as health inspiration. How serendipitous.


Until Oct, you'll have to rely on these reports for your gorilla encounters.

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There just aren't enough reports to keep me going!! Need more!

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@@JulieM how do you think I feel? I have to wait until next February!

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