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Third time lucky? Peter Connan's year.

Peter Connan

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Peter Connan

I have been considering whether it would be kinder to leave this until @@michael-ibk and @@Treepol had got some good momentum going, or to give them some solidarity, but it seems they have got more than enough momentum and I am likely going to have to work pretty hard to catch up, so here goes:


This year I will be following @@Tdgraves' example by posting one bird per post.


First up, Cattle Egret:




Bosluisvoel (Bubulcus ibis)



Seen on the 23rd January at Bonaero Park dam, with my friend @@Tom Kellie

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Peter Connan

Great Egret:



Grootwitreier (Egretta Alba)


Same time, same place, same company.

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Peter Connan

Yellow-billed Egret:



Geelbekwitreier (Egretta intermedia)


Same time, same place, same company.

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~ @@Peter Connan


What a magnificent start!

You may be very sure that my images from that wonderful morning together weren't even remotely as fine.

The crisp detail and accurate color are especially fine.

May 2016 be another productive “Big Year”.

Tom K.

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Peter Connan

Squacco Heron:



Ralreier (Ardeola ralloides)


Same time. place and company.

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Peter Connan

Thank you for the kind compliment @@Tom Kellie


Yellow-billed Duck:



Geelbekeend Anas undulate


Same same.

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Peter Connan

Glossy Ibis:



Glansibis Plegadis falcinellus


Same same

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Peter Connan

Common Moorhen:



Grootwaterhoender Gallinula chloropus


Same same

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~ @@Peter Connan


I especially like that these images are labelled with binomial nomenclature, Afrikaans and English.

Such a multi-lingual approach seems especially appropriate.

The turquoise speculum on the wing feathers of Anas undulate is STUNNING!

It's so sharply clear...a moment in time captured.

In all seriousness, I enjoyed our bird photography time together so much that it would be enough to motivate me to return to Johannesburg, not for a safari, but for a couple of days shooting with you.

With Much Appreciation,

Tom K.

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Peter Connan

African Paradise Flycatcher (male):



Paradysvlievanger Terpsiphone viridis


23 January, Rooihuiskraal (in a friend's garden). I am blaming the very poor photo quality on the fact that I was using a 24-120mm lens and had to crop drastically.


Of course, the fact that the tree trunk is sharp proves me wrong immediately...

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@@Peter Connan

A great start - lovely photos. I didn't know you had the same Moorhen as we do in the UK.

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Peter Connan

@@Tom Kellie, that would be great fun!


Red-billed Quelea:



RooibekkweleaQuelea Quelea


23rd January, Bonaero Park Dam, with my friend Tom Kellie

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Peter Connan

Red-collared Widowbird (male):



Rooikeelflap Euplectes ardens


Same same.

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Peter Connan

And so the best plans of man and mouse come unglued.


Bishops. Southern Red and Yellow-crowned (I think they are both males):



Rooivink Euplectes orix and Goudgeelvink Euplectes afer


Same same

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~ @@Peter Connan


After looking at these most recent uploads, I find myself asking “How does he do it?”.

As it happens, I asked the same question of our friend @@TonyQ after enjoying his latest trip report posts with superb bird and lioness images.

If I ever read that @@TonyQ and @@Thursday's Child were going to South Africa on safari, I'd do my darnedest to get there for day of shooting with all of you.

I'd tag along to watch your technique and camera settings. If we could persuade @@Tdgraves to be there, too, it would be the ultimate Safaritalk South Africa bird photography get together!

I'm getting crazy!

The next thing I'll be typing might be if @@michael-ibk were also there, it would be a VERY BIG YEAR 2016 all in one location at once!

As it is, may I calm down my bird photography fevered brain to say that the stunning focus and bokeh of the Red-collared Widowbird is sublime.

You and @@TonyQ are causing me to start rethinking Africa. I need to up my game in bird photography, and how better than on safari?

Thank you for posting these.

Tom K.

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Peter Connan

@@TonyQ, sorry I missed your reply. Thank you very much for the compliment.


Reed Cormorant:



Rietduiker Phalacrocorax africanus


Same same.

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Peter Connan

Thank you very much once again @@Tom Kellie. Seems like I'd better go looking for Tony's trip report.


African Stonechat (female):



Gewone Bontrokkie Saxicola torquata


Same Same

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Peter Connan

Pin-tailed Whydah (male?):



Koningrooibekkie Vidua macroura


Same same.

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Peter Connan

Amur Falcon (male):



Oostelikke Rooipootvalk Falco amurensis


30 January, Rietvlei Nature reserve, with @@xelas and Zvezda.

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Peter Connan

Black-shouldered Kite:



Blouvalk Elanus caeruleus


As above.

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~ @@Peter Connan



After looking at these most recent uploads, I find myself asking “How does he do it?”.

As it happens, I asked the same question of our friend @@TonyQ after enjoying his latest trip report posts with superb bird and lioness images.

If I ever read that @@TonyQ and @@Thursday's Child were going to South Africa on safari, I'd do my darnedest to get there for day of shooting with all of you.

I'd tag along to watch your technique and camera settings. If we could persuade @@Tdgraves to be there, too, it would be the ultimate Safaritalk South Africa bird photography get together!

I'm getting crazy!

The next thing I'll be typing might be if @@michael-ibk were also there, it would be a VERY BIG YEAR 2016 all in one location at once!

As it is, may I calm down my bird photography fevered brain to say that the stunning focus and bokeh of the Red-collared Widowbird is sublime.

You and @@TonyQ are causing me to start rethinking Africa. I need to up my game in bird photography, and how better than on safari?

Thank you for posting these.

Tom K.

Ha @@Tom Kellie great minds think alike! After hearing of yours and @@xelas birding trips, I had suggested to @@Peter Connan that we meet up the next time we are in South Africa......

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Peter Connan

Diederick Cuckoo:





Diederikkie Chrysococcyx caprius


Same old.

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Peter Connan

Now I am cheating big time.


This image belongs to Zvezdana, not me I hope she and @@xelas don't mind.


Wattled Starling (female):



Lelspreeu Creatophora cinerea

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