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ELEPHANT HEAVEN (Sweetwaters tented camp - Ol Pejeta)


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One of the main reason's I stay at Sweetwaters tented camp is it's very busy waterhole.

Elephants come and go in small groups, but every now and then big herds arrive. These are probably

many small groups arriving at the same time.
















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Wow, nice !!


I'll be there, next year. Hoping to see something similar. What separates the water hole from the tents?

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Wow, nice !!


I'll be there, next year. Hoping to see something similar. What separates the water hole from the tents?


I haven't been to this camp but would guess at just space and fresh air.

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a low fence which they could walk over


impala do walk over it


don't use flash photography at night


at waterholes take proper measures to avoid sunburn, don't move around too much and stay quiet


take special care if male must elephants are around, as well as they most obvious signs , they have liquid coming down the temple and eyes , drip urine and can have a strong smell. They are on heat.

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Low electric fence and a ditch, no? Probably enough to put an elephant off. But it was 10 years ago I was there.


@@PHALANX I've never seen that many elephants at Ol Pejeta (never = 13 nights in total so a bit misleaeding). Some for sure, but nothing like those numbers. Just luck of the draw and time of year I suppose.

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low fence and a slight ditch


the concern is about those who want to take flash photos of the eles at night from a close range, that could get them excited


I was there for 3 days in June 2012 and the only eles at the waterhole was at night walking back from dinner


I was rather concerned to see all the flash photos ,the camp itself has spot light on a pole at a reasonable height


the warning sign not to use flash is at a low height and people don't notice it in the dark


the security guard was going around asking people not to use flash

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Low electric fence and a ditch, no? Probably enough to put an elephant off. But it was 10 years ago I was there.


@@PHALANX I've never seen that many elephants at Ol Pejeta (never = 13 nights in total so a bit misleaeding). Some for sure, but nothing like those numbers. Just luck of the draw and time of year I suppose.

Hi @@pault. As you say, right place right time. I now stay at SWTC for 10nts so my chances are increased. The big herd was March 2015. I had been there a week before they arrived so those on a 3/4 nts were unfortunate. I do find March to be the best time for ALL game. last March I Only saw them at the back of the camp in the day time, but, four times at night at the waterhole, and they stayed for a long time. Both Rhino seem to be the most frequent visitors day & night, again this was not always the case, so things are changing.

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Low electric fence and a ditch, no? Probably enough to put an elephant off. But it was 10 years ago I was there.


@@PHALANX I've never seen that many elephants at Ol Pejeta (never = 13 nights in total so a bit misleaeding). Some for sure, but nothing like those numbers. Just luck of the draw and time of year I suppose.

I thought I saw a ditch and an electric fence in one of the photos on the internet and thus my question

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Wow, nice !!


I'll be there, next year. Hoping to see something similar. What separates the water hole from the tents?

Hi @@Gilgamesh. There is a ditch, which was widened last March, and has a low electric fence within it.The whole camp is fenced so safe to walk around. The camp has been there about thirty years so the game is completely at ease with the proximity of the camp/people, but, you must still be quite and move about carefully if you want to get those great shots. At night the Impala and waterbuck jump, warily, over the ditch and take refuge in the woods at the back of the camp. Do not use flash, the lighting is adequate on the right settings and with a tripod, though the light at the end nearest to the dining room is a much cleaner light and I have taken hand held shots here. If Elephants do arrive, night time especially, and they have young, do not go to close. The askari (guard) will probably tell you to move back anyway. As far as I know, No Elephant has ever crossed the ditch. Last time I watched an Elephant tentatively put one leg half way down the ditch to lean across to reach a small Acacia on the camp side, but never contemplated coming across. Have a great trip and I know you will have a great stay at SWTC. Safari njema.(safe journey)

Edited by PHALANX
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If you go on Youtube and put in these links, you can see for yourselves.


www.youtube.com/E5FKv7l9zVY = Large herds of Elephant at SWTC waterhole Mar 2015


www.youtube.com/cIDUyMCknKs = Elephant & Acacia in ditch. Mar 2015


www.youtube.com/RZDx_okSJ1Q = Elephant herd @ waterhole. Nov 2014


www.youtube.com/zpG4puzjHis = Elephant at night. Regularly





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I'm sure others may have heard, recently an Italian tourist was trampled to death by an elephant when he apparently went too close to it for a photo at a waterhole close to his tented camp at Tsavo east national park.



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