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Tadoba Trip Report - June 2016


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This was a journal entry of my first trip to Tadoba.


I have added some of the shots here for those who want a quick preview and added brief descriptions.


Those who want a longer read check out the full entry at -> http://www.siddharthpendharkar.com/trip-report/tadoba-june-2016-trip-report/




In 2016 I decided to realize a childhood dream of seeing tigers in the wild. Growing up in Africa I could only imagine them. Now, decades later my wife and I were visiting Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. The plan was to take a 4-day trip which included 6 game drives through the Tadoba and Moharli ranges. Our goal was to experience the flora and fauna of an Indian forest, and to find tigers.


At the gates waiting for the park to open. Yes, there's a huge line, but it moves quickly...






The road into Tadoba is lined with verdant hardwood trees







Herds of Chital deer (Spotted Deer) sustain a large population of tigers







Lake Tadoba is picturesque and a great place to photograph a multitude of water birds. Bring your binoculars and catch ducks, egrets, comorants and darters!






My first sighting...and it just so happened to be a mating couple "Maya" and "Gabbar" were mating at waterhole #97.






The couple leaves the water






The next morning we found Gabbar again. The old warrior sports battle scars from his fight with Matkasaur but in that light he looked beautiful






Catching up with Maya again - This is why she's known as the queen of the Tadoba main zone. Beauty in strips, dazzling in the mid-day sun





Those who want to see more snaps and check read the full account

check out the full entry at -> http://www.siddharthpendharkar.com/trip-report/tadoba-june-2016-trip-report/

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Despite the eye injury, he got the girl. Mating tigers in the water, what a grand sight!

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