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So How Big is an Eagle? A Day pretending to be a Falconer


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I don't know if this is of any interest, but Jane, my rather wonderful wife, got me a day out as a "Falconer" at the Gauntlet Birds of Prey Centre near Knutsford as a Christmas prezzy and last Sunday a friend of mine ,Parky, and I went to see just how big a White Tailed Eagle looked rather close up.Falconry is of course a Field Sport, as we politly say in England but there is no doubt that without falconry techniques a lot of re-introduction schemes for raptors would not of got off the ground, and some species-such as the Mauritius Falcon, would not be hear now. Jane had arranged for the Eagle experience which was a day out etting close to various birds building up to holding a flying several Eagles.

I say pretending to be a falconer.Off course falconry is a time consuming labour of love, bonding with a bird, finding out its personality and its ideal flying weight.We would be learning to hold the birds on the glove and flying some of them.It was all very exciting!



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So we started off learning to pick a pair of obliging Haris Hawks up, how to hold them and we walked around the centre, getting used to the holding birds of prey.Then back to the indoor room to get used to the idea of birds flying to the fist, with the help of this glamourous Horned Owl.9F5A3880.thumb.jpg.3ad619d1f193ce2f28ea7bb68ddaab98.jpg9F5A3885.thumb.jpg.5ef76a906e264f235dadbfba4ea10d8b.jpg

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9F5A3936.thumb.jpg.3aa5cbca1fd151867572219c11d11e1e.jpgThen out into the field! and flying-not very far-this fine bird-and I am ashamed to admit not a species I had herad of.This one was 9F5A3927.thumb.jpg.96ed041dfc89368698c11cac61a1fca3.jpgonly in its second year9F5A3920.thumb.jpg.d98e98487f818297f6a0f2a34b636fae.jpg

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By the way Parky is the large 6' tall genteleman and I'm the other one.I can't resist including a couple of shots from the displays.The last display-there were 2 during the day-ended with about 15 birds in the air at the same time, Black Kites,White Storks, and 3 Marabou Storks!

Here is a Dishmop9F5A3989.thumb.jpg.3c1836e47b3c3706fee0315e191b73b5.jpg9F5A3985.thumb.jpg.15ae091a38ba8d36923896394decbdf7.jpg9F5A4003.thumb.jpg.1eb9e6c19592dc6e08b8e386fd9089b8.jpg


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@Towlersonsafari I haven't done the Eagle Experience at Gauntlet but I have done the half day visit twice and we flew a range of birds and raptors from kestrels, owls, vultures and Harris hawks. We did get to hold an Eagle Owl, fly the vultures and walk through the Cheshire countryside flying the Harris Hawks. On one occaision we were able to hold Vega, a rather diva-ish white tailed fish eagle - I say hold, what I really mean is balance my hand on a fence post and have Vega stand on my quivering arm being held up by the fence post. It's a fabulous experience and the centre does a lot of Vulture conservation in both Africa and Asia. I bet you had an awesome day....maybe you should treat Jane this Christmas. 


I think the owl knows she hasn't done this before...




Landing a vulture with closed eyes is quite a skill.




Walking a hawk....




I'm not THAT terrified, just mildly concerned



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And a splendid striated CaraCara playing with a rubber egg, followd by a close uo Vereaux Eagle Owl and a Griffo9F5A3972.thumb.jpg.91d3306ab539d2d29c0670edd2dee681.jpg9F5A4161.thumb.jpg.3fc6593c77d78d68e17ffcee4a9b839c.jpg9F5A4173.thumb.jpg.266946b4492982a5680ee3f80191ff4e.jpgn Vulture

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How wonderful @ld1  you are right it is great fun and they do do conservation work in Asia and Southern Africa-and I love your photos When I say holding the Eagles, the falconer very kindly supported my arm as the birds landed and then whilst I held them-I have arthritic weedy arms so there was no way I could hold either of the egles we "flew"

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After lunch we had a bonus.They have a raven which is at presnt too naughty to fly outside-it keeps wanting to pretend its a falcon.It also stores food in its crop till night when a pair of wild ravens visit and gives them the food.The falconers  said it was by far the most intelligent bird they have (althouth the Black vultures were also rated highly intelligent) and they keep having to change how the tie the jesses.It also likes stealing the glasses from one particular falconer


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Then as  @ld1 mentioned we also went on a Harris Hawk walk.They could not be flown with other birds in a massed display as they were too agressive!


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And so to the first Big Bird-a Bald Eagle a magnificent bird who made a real impact as she landed! Apaprently if she was sulking with Will the falconer, she woudl fly right into his chest, although with talons closed, so that's all right then.



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I had hoped to fly my favourite-the Golden Eagle, but Sabastian-his name-was apparently "Off his meds" and so I had to be content to admire him from his perch


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And now the finale, the last bird we flew, Pamela the adult-she was about 7, White Tailed Eagle.It was a real treat and privelege to get close to these birds, and the White Tailed Eagle was the icing on a very splended cake!

The first shot is me Trying to appear confident







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@Towlersonsafariwhat a fabulous Christmas present and how interesting to see so many birds of prey. I enjoyed the story of the brainy raven, but please tell me, what is a dishmop?

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Sorry @Treepol a dishmop is a hand mop to wash dishes_ the Great Grey Owl looked less like a fearsome killer and more like a well dishmop!

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@Towlersonsafari What a fantastic experience. Seeing your images is sharp reminder of how large some of these birds are and how powerful their weaponry. I am not surprised you occasionally looked a bit anxious. 

Meeting a Golden Eagle 'off his meds' (love the expression) probably would have not been wise. But Pamela looks pretty impressive and a bit scary!


Thanks for telling us about it.


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A great experience. It makes me realise how big the White-tailed Eagle really is!

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Incredible experience! Now you will want to go out and observe them in wild even more!

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Oops, Vega was a Bald Eagle not a white tailed fish `Eagle. Pamela wasn't in action the last time I was there as she'd been out the day before, but I did find one of her feathers in the display field. At least our Falconer that day said it was Pamela's and they let me keep it.If I can find it in our office @Towlersonsafari would you like me to  send it to you as a momento? 

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That would be very kind indeed

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@Towlersonsafari I found Pamela!


I'll PM you for details of where to send. 





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  • 2 weeks later...
Peter Connan

What a marvelous experience!

I can see on your face that you enjoyed it at least half as much as I would have...:D

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