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Oh wow! What a magnificent safari, with an incredible Aardvark sighting right at the end!

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@Kitsafari - Lovely report.  Enjoying it very much ......


Superb Aardvark - that one continues to elude me.......  So, what months are specifically good for Aardvark sightings at Tswalu?  Also, Superb Meerkat and super relaxed Roan/Sable ...... Well done!

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@kitboey I just love all your's and Herman's photos of the meerkats, the aardwolf, bat eared foxes, as well as the aardvark. I was fortunate enough to have seen cape foxes no less than 3 times while I was there. Please send my warmest regards to Herman buddy.I can see that he had a great time as well.

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15 hours ago, TonyQ said:

Thank you for a wonderful report. You give a great view of the landscapes as well as the wildlife. I have really enjoyed your photos and those of your husband!


you saw a great selection of animals, I particularly liked the Bat eared fox, and of course the meerkats are lovely. But also a great sighting of that wonderful creature the Ardvaark. 


It it looks like you had a great trip. ?


Thank you @TonyQ i did have a great trip and so happy to have the last day's sighting of the aardvark which was at the top of my list for this trip. 

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14 hours ago, marg said:

@Kitsafari....thanks!  Great report and great sightings and photos.  And, your companion must have been very happy to have your company in Africa!!!


Thanks @marg we were both happy to have each other's company finally on a safari! glad to know you enjoyed the TR. :)

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4 hours ago, Peter Connan said:

Oh wow! What a magnificent safari, with an incredible Aardvark sighting right at the end!


@Peter Connan thank you for your encouragement! we were quite chaffed with the aardvark sighting altho when we first started the drive, the drive had been as quiet as could be and honestly I was about to give up on it.


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1 hour ago, madaboutcheetah said:

@Kitsafari - Lovely report.  Enjoying it very much ......


Superb Aardvark - that one continues to elude me.......  So, what months are specifically good for Aardvark sightings at Tswalu?  Also, Superb Meerkat and super relaxed Roan/Sable ...... Well done!

 Thanks @madaboutcheetah


I still think the cold months of July- August will bring out the nocturnal animals into the daylight hours as the nights will be too cold for them to forage. that'll be the period to go if I plan any return but I've found out to my shock that they've adjusted the rates and I don't know if I can afford to return again as a single occupant. :(


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@optig I will indeed forward your lovely greetings to Herman! and so pleased you saw the cape fox - they are quite cute. but wait till you see the pale foxes next year.....

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Worth the wait!  You know how to draw out the suspense---I just blurt out the conclusion in the first few posts! :D


We saw the butts of two brown hyenas on the run, no picture however...thanks again for the great read and pics...

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Thanks for another special report @Kitsafari - wonderful sightings with great photos enhanced by your commentary.


Phrases such as

"during another lunch hour, a herd of roan came crashing through the waters,........"

really set the scene for me.


I was intrigued to discover bat eared foxes are mainly nocturnal. I hadn't realised that. Just assumed they were diurnal as the ones I've seen in the Serengeti and Selinda back in the 90's were daytime sightings.

So you got me checking my Estes Safari Companion which indicates they are indeed 85% nocturnal. Always more to learn and that's appealing.

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  • 5 months later...

I think the meerkats are my fav so far.  Nice digging and scorpion catching videos.  You saw the pangolin and the aarvark, a speedy aardwolf and a zorilla.  It was worth going back. Wow!

Edited by Atravelynn
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@AtravelynnIt was a great return but not sure when I would return again to Tswalu. for sure it won't be this or next year, or even the following year. I have to meet Mr Brown Hyena in the future, and renew my acquaintance with Mr Aardvark and Mr Pangolin, and hope to have a proper introduction to the Mr Zorilla too. One day. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/16/2018 at 3:46 AM, Kitsafari said:

@AtravelynnIt was a great return but not sure when I would return again to Tswalu. for sure it won't be this or next year, or even the following year. I have to meet Mr Brown Hyena in the future, and renew my acquaintance with Mr Aardvark and Mr Pangolin, and hope to have a proper introduction to the Mr Zorilla too. One day. 

You keep excellent company!  Your encounter with Sir Porcupine was also one to remember. 

Such nice light on the lions.

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  • 8 months later...
On 10/1/2017 at 5:40 PM, Kitsafari said:

@Caracal when I first heard @Tom Kellie's mention of a zorilla, i thought he was joking and referring to an animal so mythical you would read only in fairy tales. so imagine my surprise that there was really such a creature! and we were dumbstruck to see one in Tswalu. but i was thrilled. 


~ @Kitsafari


Happy Sigh...


Tom K.



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