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Dave Williams's 2018 Big(Photo)Year!

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Dave Williams

78) Common Greenshank

In Kotu  I found a great spot for getting up close and personal, something I have never been able to do in the UK.

26329036438_0274449736_b.jpgCommon Greenshank  Tringa nebularia by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Totally unfazed by my fairly close presence whilst out in the open too.

39303436485_420a8b7923_b.jpgCommon Greenshank  Tringa nebularia by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Surprisingly white body too, you tend to only notice the white flash between the wings when they fly.

26329036048_bb136479a1_b.jpgCommon Greenshank  Tringa nebularia by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

79) Grey Kestrel

I spotted this one sat in a dead Palm Tree on our way to Kartong. The only one I saw.

25329890087_b3f2d1cde7_b.jpgGrey Kestrel  Falco ardosiaceus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

80) Grey Plaintain Eater

Loud and noisy, they are common sights even in our hotel gardens although this shot was taken at Kotu Bridge.

39490034444_75c96b18f6_b.jpgWestern Grey Plantain-eater  Crinifer piscator by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Although an attractive bird they are a bit ungainly in flight.

40201577481_8a33e14af0_b.jpgWestern Grey Plantain-eater  Crinifer piscator ) by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

81) Grey Plover

Another species we actually find locally...or so I'm told. Never seen one in the UK myself! This was Kotu Creek where there are usually a couple whenever I have been.

40201588851_e85c49b9b3_b.jpgGrey Plover  Pluvialis squatarola by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

82) Grey-headed Gull

This one was sat on a boat in Kartong


39490044014_911bc33d10_b.jpgGrey-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

but there were large numbers everywhere including Kotu Creek where those posts are unmistakable in shots taken of many species.I have some more to come I think. Unfortunately though other gull and tern species no longer seemed to join the roost here as they have in previous years when i have visited.

39490044134_d10b2da8ac_b.jpgGrey-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

83) Grey-headed Sparrow.

This was sat on a garden wall when I went inland on a guided trip. The only one I saw too.

39490047644_262d12ea48_b.jpgNorthern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

84) Grey Woodpecker

I have never seen as many as I did on this holiday! First one on a Palm Tree near our hotel.

39490069564_05a3f86a61_b.jpgAfrican Grey Woodpecker  Dendropicos goertae by Dave Williams, on Flickr

This was probably the same one seen a week or so later

39490069964_2d8076b4d6_b.jpgAfrican Grey Woodpecker  Dendropicos goertae by Dave Williams, on Flickr

but this was in the grounds of the Senegambia Hotel where there may well be a nest build in progress.

39303482395_64922b0d7c_b.jpgAfrican Grey Woodpecker  Dendropicos goertae by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

85) Green Wood-hoopoe

At a distance you would think the name is a misnomer as they appear to be black but with the light in the right direction you can see the colours.

26329431308_e5f5063743_b.jpgGreen Wood Hoopoe. Phoeniculus purpureus. by Dave Williams, on Flickr

More than just greens too.

39303881265_d90cd39d65_b.jpgGreen Wood Hoopoe. Phoeniculus purpureus. by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

86) Hamerkop

What an odd looking bird!

39303887175_c58090ca79_b.jpgHamerkop Scopus umbretta goertae by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Quite common around Kotu. This one by the bridge ( the posts are a giveaway!) a popular spot for birders and guides to gather especially in the evening.


26329434338_fefd26ef5d_b.jpgHamerkop Scopus umbretta goertae by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

87) Hooded Vulture

Whereas there is a worldwide decline in Vulture numbers there is no shortage in and around both Kotu and the Senegambia Hotel where they are fed on a daily basis bringing in large numbers.

28422110339_67529982d8_b.jpgHooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

I must admit I paid them scant attention, they deserved more!

26329438248_9a97cb60e8_b.jpgHooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

88) Intermediate Egret

I managed to photograph all three White Egrets in the same pond in Kotu on the same mound at one time or another.

40201997241_4b530814ac_b.jpgIntermediate Egret    Mesophoyx intermedia by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

89) Little Egret

Same mound!

28422133619_ab27a98834_b.jpgLittle Egret  Egretta garzetta by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Looking fluffy for this shot on the edge of the pond.

28422134209_dc47d7e514_b.jpgLittle Egret  Egretta garzetta by Dave Williams, on Flickr

and doing a spot of fishing too.

28422133309_6ae403f592_b.jpgLittle Egret  Egretta garzetta by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

90) Lanner Falcon

I saw one fly around Kotu but was annoyed that i wasn't aware that one had been sat in a tree near our hotel for most of an afternoon!

This flight shot was at Kartong.

40202000091_eb903fdeed_b.jpgLanner Falcon  Falco biarmicus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

92)Little Bee-eater

Another common species around the rice fields in Kotu Creek.

40168969672_ea0133e849_b.jpgLittle Bee-eater   Merops pusillus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

It's difficult resisting going back for more they make such good subjects.

40168967442_1b8f2c79f7_b.jpgLittle Bee-eater   Merops pusillus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

There doesn't seem to be many Bees around Kotu but insect life is plentiful.

40168970562_425251d77c_b.jpgLittle Bee-eater   Merops pusillus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

93) Little Swift

This was a long way off, seen at Kartong.

40168983292_7944a94d9e_b.jpgLittle Swift   Apus affinis by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

96) Long-crested Eagle

Seen as we left Kartong heading for home.

40168988902_e126f149bd_b.jpgLong-crested Eagle   Lophaetus occipitalis by Dave Williams, on Flickr

The light was really tricky as it was a dark bird and back lit. It appears more brown than the black I associate with the species, 

28422142869_193fb5ee6f_b.jpgLong-crested Eagle   Lophaetus occipitalis by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

97)Marsh Harrier

A long distance shot at Kartong but as I didn't get one for last year's BY, I'll accept this one in case I don't get another chance!

39491781074_a9c4a09f4f_b.jpgMarsh Harrier    Circus aeruginosus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

At least it's a clear ID!

28423355019_a3b189ae3f_b.jpgMarsh Harrier    Circus aeruginosus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Dave Williams

98) Long-tailed Glossy Starling

I nearly fell off a wall in Kotu Village as I balanced precariously to try and get a view over the branch to see the tail for this shot!

25331570137_2880cc6720_b.jpgLong-tailed Glossy Starling   Lamprotornis caudatus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

They are not the most confiding of birds when it doesn't suit.

39491765844_f262733877_b.jpgLong-tailed Glossy Starling   Lamprotornis caudatus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

These last two were taken around the Vulture feeding station at Kotu Bridge and just as I was getting somewhere one of the local fruit sellers, on her way home from her beach stall, spotted me trying to get a shot and deliberately clapped her hands to frighten them off. It was pay back for not buying any fruit earlier !!!

39491766064_7a9c3ec9a3_b.jpgLong-tailed Glossy Starling   Lamprotornis caudatus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

I pretended I hadn't heard her!!!!

Dave Williams

99) Long-tailed Cormorant

One bird that posed without problems!

25331559187_6dd5e48e2a_b.jpgLong-tailed Cormorant  Microcarbo africanus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Most confiding in fact.


39491763244_ccd8e700f0_b.jpgLong-tailed Cormorant  Microcarbo africanus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

I notice that some prefer to call it a Reed Cormorant but i have always used Long-tailed.

39491763334_9203b5b0eb_b.jpgLong-tailed Cormorant  Microcarbo africanus by Dave Williams, on Flickr

Trying to get action shots in the water is more difficult though.

39491763414_9d5214d395_b.jpgLong-tailed Cormorant  Microcarbo africanus by Dave Williams, on Flickr


Dave Williams

100) Malachite Kingfisher

A beautiful little Kingfisher quite common around Kotu Bridge and surrounds.

39305033835_eb0eef4ba2_b.jpgMalachite Kingfishers  Alcedo cristata by Dave Williams, on Flickr

The bird guides have put up perches but they are some distance away even for the biggest lenses.

39305033585_0a5b06a949_b.jpgMalachite Kingfishers  Alcedo cristata by Dave Williams, on Flickr

better views can be had when they sit on the branches of the Mangroves near to the bridge.

39305034075_90bfa6a4b1_b.jpgMalachite Kingfishers  Alcedo cristata by Dave Williams, on Flickr


Lots of great additions. Superb photos of a real beauty to bring up your 100!


Great photos as usual and a lovely Malachite to bring in your first century. Congratulations.


100 already! And a great bird to do it with. Beautiful!

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