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Across The River ~ South Luangwa N.P Oct' 2017


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This is part Two of my 2017 safari. 5 Nights at Nsefu Camp & 2 Nights at Luangwa River Camp.  Part One Shenton Safaris Kaingo & Mwamba camps can be found here


At the height of the dry season the transfer between Kaingo & Nsefu camp must be amongst the shortest in all of Africa. It went something like this...


Walk through Kaingo camp to the office area, then down on to the river bed where I'm met by my retinue. A game scout, 2 luggage bearers and a number of other camp staff along for the stroll. Cross the sand to the water's edge, remove sandals, wade into river (the water is never more than knee deep and delightfully warm and the mud squishy under foot), up onto a sandbar and repeat two times. I'm now standing on the other side of the river.  A few goodbyes and I say hello to Julius one of the RPS guides stationed at Nsefu camp. Julius & I climb aboard the RPS vehicle. He reverses a few metres before changing into low range first and we climb a steep section of the river bank then turn right onto the river side track and follow it a few kilometres downstream and we arrive at Nsefu camp. Transfer done and dusted in approx 10 minutes.


Yvonne the temporary camp manager offers me a drink and shows me the camp's hide whilst my luggage is taken to my room. In the hide I survey the waterhole and some movement catches my eye. I take one look and sprint back to the dining area for my cameras. 


My first sighting at Nsefu Camp ~ Greater African Snipe.



Nsefu Chalet ~ Home for the next 5 nights 


The view looking upstream


Brunch area with the view looking downstream


...and a leopard





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That leopard looks like a bad guy @Geoff

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Nsefu! There are very few reports on Nsefu side of the river so Im very much looking forward to this, not to mentiin that your awesome pictures are already a big draw. ?

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@Geoff, those upstream, downstream views are beautiful. What a great way to transfer from one Camp to another

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Looking forward to this continuing TR @Geoff.


But isn't the snipe a Greater Painted Snipe?


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Lovely start (continuation), one bad looking leopard ... and a Greater Painted-snipe (Rostratula benghalensis). Looking forward for more!

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