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22 hours ago, Kitsafari said:

@Atravelynn Thanks Lynn! i keep forgetting to zip up my mouth when I'm taping. LOL.  It was nice to hear you!


are you planning to do a TR for your trip? Yes, I am. I hope so and very much looking forward to it.

Page 2 - That impala had quite the genetic mutation.  For someone afraid of snakes you did a fine job with the grass snake.  You are well on your way to a Big Year!

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Kit, just love those Topi silhouettes against the sunrise, spectacular photos! That Zebra carnage is also a very cool sighting, and great shots again. Your photos are getting better and better. All in all a wonderful report, I enjoyed this a lot.

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@Kitsafari what a wonderful cheetah-full safari you had!  All excellent sightings and your photos are gorgeous.  I especially love the set in the morning golden light, nicely done.  I was happy to see Amani's two daughters as I'd spent a week following them with Amani in Feb 2017.  They were 5 or so days without a kill at that point and we finally got to see them eat.  I'm a big fan of Amani's having "met" her with her daughter Karembo (who is also still alive) in Feb 2014!


You did well too capturing the landscape, your rainbows are awesome and the silhouettes at your sunrise are unbelievable!

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20 hours ago, michael-ibk said:

Kit, just love those Topi silhouettes against the sunrise, spectacular photos! That Zebra carnage is also a very cool sighting, and great shots again. Your photos are getting better and better. All in all a wonderful report, I enjoyed this a lot.


Thanks so much @michael-ibk - I hope the sunrise photos were given the seal of approval from the landscape/scenic photograph expert as well?! :)


I love the zebra carnage scenes as well, especially watching the lioness so carefully pushing the carcass into the bush and moving the head into the bush too. 



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3 hours ago, amybatt said:

@Kitsafari what a wonderful cheetah-full safari you had!  All excellent sightings and your photos are gorgeous.  I especially love the set in the morning golden light, nicely done.  I was happy to see Amani's two daughters as I'd spent a week following them with Amani in Feb 2017.  They were 5 or so days without a kill at that point and we finally got to see them eat.  I'm a big fan of Amani's having "met" her with her daughter Karembo (who is also still alive) in Feb 2014!


You did well too capturing the landscape, your rainbows are awesome and the silhouettes at your sunrise are unbelievable!



Thanks much @amybatt the Sony RX10 did its job well!


I am surprised that the Amani daughters are still together as a pair since we often hear that female cheetahs often go their own ways. I hope they stay together as long as they can as they can hunt better as a team. I've still not met Amani! or Imani. 

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Brilliant stuff in OMC - not that the rest wasn't brilliant too, but that's the part I am catching up on. Really fantastic lion and cheetah sightings and you have some beautiful photos, especially of those cubs on the carcass!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Kitsafari You certainly had a cat filled safari and probably more cheetahs than I've seen in all my safaris combined. Lots of beautiful shots especially cheetah and hyena and green season always makes things prettier. It took awhile but the itch to return to Africa has completely returned, thanks for the great report.

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thanks @pault


thanks @dlo when are you due back in Africa? 

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We're heading to Uganda in January, and somehow add the Sheldrick orphans with some Safaritalk members in October but that is looking very unlikely and more of a 2020 or 2021 trip. I'm actually rereading @pault Uganda workout as I'm really struggling with a few decisions. 

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13 minutes ago, dlo said:

We're heading to Uganda in January, and somehow add the Sheldrick orphans with some Safaritalk members in October but that is looking very unlikely and more of a 2020 or 2021 trip. I'm actually rereading @pault Uganda workout as I'm really struggling with a few decisions. 


My reports have that effect on people. Haha .


Ask me @Atravelynn and @Botswanadreams via trip planning. We’ll be happy to help if we can. Decisions are usually about similar things.  There are others too but offhand I guess us there will be around a bit  and I remember the other two both went north too. @dlo

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Kitsafari At long last I've caught up with your report and I enjoyed it very much. You describe the sightings and the scenery so well and the photos are fabulous. The sunrise pics are astonishing.

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@Galago thank you for staying the course!


I think i must miss Africa- i dreamt just the other night a mother giraffe running with its baby from a pride of lions! 

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@Kitsafari What a suspenseful dream! I hope it portends of another safari in your near future.


This is the trip report I’ve been dipping my toes in and out of for months, enjoying many parts again and again, keeping it open on a browser window on my phone. I’ll be visiting Serian main camp myself in less than a month now, several members of my family in tow, so part of my obsessive reading has been a combination of research/drool prompts/reassurance that everything will be OK and my family’s going to be happy there.


Even better than all that, though, were your amazing photographs (the leaping lions! The unusual impala! The lion and hyena cubs!) and your measured, graceful way of bringing the reader along with you. Thanks so much for being my Serian safari “companion” for the past few months; I hope to return the favor soon.

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@hannahcat so exciting! Mara north is a beautiful reserve n i'm sure you will have a great time there. I  do hope you will like serian main camp.  Please send my best to roisin n james kipetu if you see him, and a hug for Wifi. ?

Are you going elsewhere other than mara north?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yet another masterpiece from the pen and camera of @Kitsafari, so ably supported by your husband.

Thoroughly enjoyed the read from start to finish, I have a particular soft spot for cats (large and small) so was very well catered for. 

To name but a few I particularly liked the images of the beautiful female leopard early in the report, the atmospheric landscapes, the sunset silhouettes and the cheetah reflections, wonderful.

Not visited The Mara but spent time in the Northern Serengeti which appears to be a very similar eco-system. 

Look forward with anticipation to reading about your next adventure and seeing the images you are able to capture.

Thank you. 

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 thank you for the kind words @johnweir. Somehow i think the mara has a far more scenic landscape than Serengeti tanzania. But it could be that we were in the Serengeti in June when grases were very high. That Could have inhibited our views.  But the Lamai area is prob closest in landscape to the maasai mara park.

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@Kitsafari I will definitely send greetings from you, and I can’t wait to hug WiFi, so will do so many times on your behalf as well as my own.


We’re also going to Sarara after the rest of the family goes home (a vacation from the vacation as it were), and I’m currently at that stage where I have a constantly rotating series of pictures of Serian and Sarara up on my screen behind my work, reminding me that there’s just one more week to go. Thanks for your kind words, and I look forward to bringing back fun stories & adventures.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Through page 3 - lion kill, cute baby hyenas at the den, mating zebras, what a show. And it is only page 3!

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The Ntiaktiak River looked more swimmable than drivable.  The cheetah reflection shots are novel.  You always have a knack for skies...And then I saw your sunrises!


The whole lions on the zebra scenario was fascinating from both the perspective of the various pride members and the zebra herd that had lost a member.


Marvy trip you had with such variety!

Edited by Atravelynn
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