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help with bird ID from recent trip to Uganda and Kenya


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Could any of the birders out there help me ID these birds from my recent trip? Thanks in advance. I was especially taken by the tiny hawk in the fourth image--it was about the size of a sparrow. We saw that one outside of Bwindi in Uganda.








Edited by mtanenbaum
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That "tiny hawk" is a vicious predator,  but not a hawk. It is a grey-backed fiscal - a shrike, which is sometimes called the butcherbird because it impales its tiny prey on thorns for later consumption. 

Your beautiful first picture is a plover (lapwing) but has me stumped (not difficult to do). It might be an immature bird? Someone more knowledgeable (or with their bird books to hand) will have to answer that... immature blacksmith plover? (wild guess)

Second is a White-browed Robin Chat

Third are bulbuls and I am guessing Common Bulbul chicks 

And the last is, I am fairly sure, a Woodland Kingfisher


How did I do @michael-ibk? (Actually anybody can answer - summoning Michael is just the second installment of a potential running joke of which the punchline may be something about my ability to remember the names of birds).

Edited by pault
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Not too bad, @pault, but not perfect. :P


Agree on Woodland Kingfisher, Common Bulbul and White-Crowned Robin-Chat. The Lapwing, however, rather is a Spur-Winged - Blacksmith should have a black throat. And I think (but am not completely sure) that the Shrike is a youngish Mackinnon´s. Bwindi is a good fit for habitat, there are no white patches on the tail feathers or on the wing nor enough black on the forecrown as should be there for Grey-Backed.

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Damn! :angry: 


Still, close enough I think. After the initial disappointment, I'm feeling quite smug.

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  • 4 months later...
On 2/16/2018 at 5:39 PM, michael-ibk said:

White-Crowned Robin-Chat.

@michael-ibk  I am sure that is a slip of the keyboard. I agree with Mckinnon's Fiscal too for all the reasons you give.

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Ah yes, White-Browed. I do blame @pault of course. B)

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7 hours ago, michael-ibk said:



Ah yes, White-Browed. I do blame @pault of course. B)

Hmm. Yes. Quite reasonable to assume I must have it wrong!  

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