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The race to save spoon-billed sandpipers


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I wasn't sure where to put this topic but since it is about a bird, I decided to put it in the birding section. 


Spoonbills - wherever they are found - are special. I've always found fascinating their incredibly unique beaks that bear little resemblance to other birds' beaks. So when I first heard about the plight of a tiny and rather special bird called the spoon-billed sandpiper, I took notice. 


anyway, here's an ongoing project to save the species from extinction, and those in the UK have probably already seen the documentary Between Clouds and Dreams. I don't think it's shown in Singapore yet. 




"The spoon-billed sandpiper Calidris pygmaea is one of the most threatened birds on the planet. It breeds on the Chukotsk and Kamchatka peninsulas in the Russian Far East, migrates through Russia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea and the Jiangsu coast of China to winter in southern China, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand, 8,000km from its breeding grounds."



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