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Brazil 2018 - The Pantanal & Beyond


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This is my first trip report in this forum, so I am taking the easy way out and posting a short slide show. We left the U.S. on July 24th and returned on August 15. Here's a quick overview of our itinerary:


Fly from Sao Paulo to Campo Grande

2 nights - Jardim - Hotel Vitoria (Hole of the Macaws, Rio da Prata)

2 nights - Bonito - Pousada Olho D'Aqua (Birds, Giant Anteaters)

Fly from Campo Grande to Alta Floresta via Cuiaba

1 night Cuiaba - Slaviero Slim

2 nights - Harpy Eagle Camp (Harpy Eagles)

2 nights - Fazenda São Nicolau (Saki and Woolly Monkeys)

Fly from Alta Floresta to Cuiaba

1 night Cuiaba - Slaviero Slim

2 nights - Southwild Pantanal

7 nights - Southwild Jaguar Flotel

1 night - Southwild Pantanal

Fly from Cuiaba to Sao Paulo to California


We really enjoyed Jardim and Bonito but I probably wouldn't return. They are 1-time destinations; interesting but not overly exciting.

I would definitely return to Southwild Pantanal & Jaguar Flotel. The bird life and jaguars are amazing.

Unless I had a great opportunity to go to a Harpy Eagle nest with a chick at about 2 months when it is fairly certain that both the male and female will come to the nest

, I would not return to the area around Alta Floresta. The Pantanal offers much more in terms of wildlife.


Here's a short 4 minute slide show - a PowerPoint that I put together for friends saved as a mp4 file.



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Thanks very much @SouthBay. Your pics are amazing. If we will get only a bit of your sightseeing in the Pantanal over the next weeks I would be very happy.  

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Great photographs and love the presentation. I must say i miss the write up, though.

That kingfisher shot is just amazing.


Thank you for sharing.

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Beautiful photos! Was the whole trip with Roy Toft or only the Pantanal section?

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Only the Pantanal section was with Roy. The rest was on our own, although we did hire local guides (couldn't have found the giant anteaters or harpy eagle camp without them).

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That cover photo of the backlit jabiru under that immense tree is just lovely. Brazil is a fascinating place. Thanks for sharing. 

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Great slideshow!  You have some fantastic pictures there. I would be interested to know if you recommend Fazenda São Nicolau at all.  Also, if I remember correctly you have done a trip with Roy before so I take it you like his photo trips.  I have thought about them but it's hard to justify with a non photographer spouse.


We just got back from Brazil and I can still taste the Caipirinhas!





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@AtdahlWe originally booked 4 nights at Fazenda Sau Nicolau (FSN) because there was a Harpy Eagle nest in the area in late 2017. That nest was not active this year so we did 2 nights at a  Harpy Eagle nest between Alta Floresta and FSN followed by 2 nights at FSN. Personally, I would not return to FSN unless there was a Harpy Eagle nest close by.  We did see Saki Monkeys but the bugs were ferocious man-eaters and the Fazenda isn't anything to write home about. I have been on 2 of Roy's trips and would do another without hesitation.

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Wow, beautiful pictures of the jaguar.

I am curious about how many sightings you had of the jaguar? Were you lucky, cause´ It seems you got a lot of sightings. You got mating jaguars, got them on a prey, hunting and general just posing a lot.  It must have been great!!

Edited by JayRon
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During our 7 nights in jaguar land we had 26 sightings of 10 different jaguars. We had at least one sighting on every morning and evening safari. It was fabulous. Jaguars sleep a lot so you have to be very patient and hang around until they do something interesting (such as mating or hunting). Our group always opted to stay with a jaguar rather than going to see something different and it payed off - the benefit of traveling with a group of photographers who are interested in wildlife.

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