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Safari Drive

Peter Connan

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Peter Connan

I have often had comments on my threads indicating that many people are not confident of planning their own self-drive trips, or dealing with the issues they may have along the way.


One answer may very well be the company Safari Drive.

They go beyond the normal vehicle hire, to the point where they will plan your safari for you, in detail, and rent you a fully equipped vehicle, including all the camping and cooking accessories, and also include a satellite phone with which you can contact them to arrange assistance should a problem develop on-route.


I have not used them myself, nor do I know anybody who has, but the service sounds great.



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Not a self driver but that does sound interesting. Quite a few members here seem keen to self drive  


Thanks @Peter Connan

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  • 3 years later...

Although this thread is three years old as a new member I thought I would give my experience with Safari Drive.

Very positive! Although 2008 was our trip still the same owners who were excellent in pre-trip planning.

We did Windhoek up to Livingstone over three weeks. All went pretty well. Decent Land Rover, good kit, only issue was gas bottle incompatibility. Minor mending needed half way through and got some advice on where to go, mind you I mended it myself after buying an 11mm spanner which was missing from the toolbox.

The route manual was exhaustive (drive 82km and turn left at the baobab with a black & white oil drum) but we had T4A (first customers of theirs using satnav I was told). Pointing out fuel stops and highlighting when we HAD to fill up sort of thing as well.

I would have used them again for a self drive in Kenya but they had pulled out due to logistic difficulties at the time.

I do not think I would have had the courage to do my first self drive (done some Africa trips etc before, including driving/camping in the bush)  without their help and booking.

Worth exploring for anyone who like the idea of self drive but is hesitant about the planning and logistics.

Famous family photo of me pretending to be a mechanic in the car park at Roy's Camp, Namibia!




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