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in May 2012 I have spent two weeks on a tour to Guyana.

It was a small group tour with four people.

We have visited:

Gorgetown including Botanical Garden, Kaieteur Falls, Iwokrama Rainforest, Surama, Annai - Rock View Lodge, Karanambu, Yupukari.

The rainy season have started very early in 2012.

Therefore, we had lots of rain and high water on the rivers and savannah.

There were not many animals to see.

I do not recommend to visit this country during or after the raining season.

The trip report with 327 pictures on 53 pages is in German language (Sorry!).

It is on my new homepage: Guyana - Regenzeit im Regenwald



C-o-c-k of the Rock, Iwokrama Rainforest



Evening on the Rupununi River


I have written many trip reports in the Nikon forum, Namibia forum and for travel agencies in the last 10 years.

In January I have started my own homepage: foto-kiboko.de

However, it will need a very long time to transfer all trip reports.

Therefore, I do not like to spent double effort to translate the reports into English and to maintain two languages.

On the page "Fotoreportagen" you may find 22 trip reports, including short reports from Antarctica and Greenland.




Best regards









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Beautiful Cock of the Rock!  You are one well traveled hippo. 

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That is something that I will have to do also. There are many TR across different forums, not to mention those slides that are waiting to be digitalised.


Regarding the German (or any other major language), the Translate function part of the Chrome browser does a decent job translating into English, so following your journeys is not hindered by German language even for non-German speaking folks.


I can see you affinity towards steam engines. There is one in operation in Slovenia: https://www.bohinj.si/dozivetja/muzejski-vlak/ . Slovenia is not far from Germany, and the local Safaripal (i.e. me) would love to show you around. 

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@Photo-Kiboko Great to have another report on Guyana, this brings back happy memories of my own trip two years later (Drinking Rum Punch in the Rupununi) lot's of familiar sights, although I never went to Caiman House and didn't get too spent so much time in Georgetown. 


I haven't tried to read the whole of your report yet, I just went through looking at all of your great photos, because I don't speak German I asked for a translation, this produced some rather odd and quite amusing results, here are two examples of photo captions that it came up with.


Figure 21: Yellow-throat panties, 

Figure 103: Red-bellied fish wiper




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@inyathi never trust google with bird translation. We have very different names for birds in German as you in English. 

@Photo-Kiboko have a wonderful time in Zakouma. Looking forward to see your pics.    

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Indeed sometimes Google is "lost in translation", but that only adds to the fun of reading :D!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/6/2019 at 3:14 PM, inyathi said:



Figure 21: Yellow-throat panties, 

Figure 103: Red-bellied fish wiper



Thank you for the kind words.


Sorry, for the long response time.

I am just back from a trip to Chad / Zakouma.


Word-by-word translation can be tricky. The google translation is not wrong.

I like to play with words. Some sentences might have several meanings. An automatic translation program can interpret the text in a different way.

Thank you for the link to your travel report from Guyana. I am looking forward to read it.

I have enjoyed your travel report from Uganda. Murchison Falls and Kidepo Valley will be one my trip to Uganda in August.



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On 4/6/2019 at 3:50 PM, Botswanadreams said:

@Photo-Kiboko have a wonderful time in Zakouma. Looking forward to see your pics.    

Thank You. Zakouma is great. It was a wonderful time.

Greetings from Steve. He is an excellent guide. Unfortunately, Steve was booked for an other group all the time.

I have taken about 15k pics. This might need some time for selection and post processing.

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On 4/6/2019 at 9:53 AM, xelas said:

I can see you affinity towards steam engines. There is one in operation in Slovenia: https://www.bohinj.si/dozivetja/muzejski-vlak/ . Slovenia is not far from Germany, and the local Safaripal (i.e. me) would love to show you around. 

Thank You, xelas.

I have a big affinity towards trains. I have been in Slovenia in 2007 to take pictures of old electric locomotives and the big American Diesels.

I had no chance to take pictures of the steam locomotives.

Last year was a group tour, which has hired the steam locos for a photo-tour.

Unfortunately my travel calendar was overloaded.

I hope, I will have another chance some time.


Last November I was in Mauritania to take pictures from the Iron-ore trains in the Sahara desert.

This is another trip report waiting to be written.

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30 minutes ago, Photo-Kiboko said:

Zakouma is great. It was a wonderful time.

Greetings from Steve. He is an excellent guide. Unfortunately, Steve was booked for an other group all the time.

I have taken about 15k pics. This might need some time for selection and post processing.


Thanks for Steve's greetings and welcome back. Good to here that you had a great time in Zakouma too. I can wait of your pics. Don't worry. I know the high quality you will show us.  

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