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Madagascar '17


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Andasibe-Mantadiba NP, Madagascar 2017







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Andasibe-Mantadia NP, Madagascar 2017









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Anasibe-Mantadia NP, Madagascar 2017







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Nice images @melproffit, hope you enjoyed your visit - it's certainly very different from anywhere we'd been before

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@melproffit I can't wait to visit myself. It's certainly far less expensive than Botswana or Tanzania. I am sure that I would just love it.








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Do give us your itinerary and the company you booked with at some point in between the lemurs.

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16 hours ago, Atravelynn said:

Do give us your itinerary and the company you booked with at some point in between the lemurs.

our itinerary was just fly in to Antanarivo(from  the Seychelles), meet driver, transit out to the "hotel" we stayed at outside Andisibe NP(which I won't mention because it was truly the worst place we have ever laid our heads!),spend 3 days & nts there with trips into the park each day-guided walks with rangers, and then fly back to the Seychelles. I will attempt to post company we hired our driver through but even that was not a great experience. You CANNOT drive yourself in Madagascar. We planned all of it ourselves from the states before we left-no company assistance.

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On 6/11/2019 at 10:41 AM, optig said:

@melproffit I can't wait to visit myself. It's certainly far less expensive than Botswana or Tanzania. I am sure that I would just love it.

start your planning as early as possible, because in the area we were the decent places to stay fill EARLY-not sure on other areas of the country. have been told other areas/parks are better than where we went. the lemurs are outstanding viewing.








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2 hours ago, melproffit said:

our itinerary was just fly in to Antanarivo(from  the Seychelles), meet driver, transit out to the "hotel" we stayed at outside Andisibe NP(which I won't mention because it was truly the worst place we have ever laid our heads!),spend 3 days & nts there with trips into the park each day-guided walks with rangers, and then fly back to the Seychelles. I will attempt to post company we hired our driver through but even that was not a great experience.  Sorry it was not so good.  You did not let those problems come between your camera and your lemur subjects, though You CANNOT drive yourself in Madagascar. Perish the thought.  I don't self drive even where everyone else does. We planned all of it ourselves from the states before we left-no company assistance.  So all this in 3 days.  Seychelles & Madagascar, now that is a head turning combo!


Edited by Atravelynn
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Atravelynn-our trip plan for Seychelles and Madagascar came together like this-we were sent an email from Emirates Airlines about their trip of a lifetime sale-reduced fares to Seychelles, Mauritius, or Maldives. wife decided Seychelles so we booked it. After doing some research we saw how close it was to Africa mainland (we are going that far already) and started looking into possibilities of traveling from there to Kenya for brief safari. Flights didn't work well(Seychelles to Dubai then on to Kenya!) so then, after consulting a map, we saw how close the islands are to Madagascar & the lemurs. Lo and behold, Air Seychelles has direct flights from the capital of Seychelles to capital of Madagascar. After that it was just a case of setting up our stay in the islands with a hole in the middle to fill in with the trip to Madagascar.

The infrastructure is such in Madagascar that the planning for that section of the trip was the most difficult part by far.

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