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Seeking images of Cercopithecus mitis opisthostictus


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We are searching for good images of Cercopithecus mitis opisthostictus. Although perhaps the most widespread of the C. mitis subspecies, opisthostictus is among the least known and least photographed subspecies.


Here is a brief description of the poorly understood geographic limits of C. m. opisthostictus:


Primarily southeast Congo Basin, DRC, and upper Zambezi Basin, Zambia. North limit near Lukuga R. and west bank Lualaba R. at c. 6ºN, DRC. East limit L. Tanganyika, DRC, and Chambeshi R.and Lunsemfwa R., east Zambia. South limit c. 14ºS, central Zambia. West limit perhaps Kasai R., southwest DRC, and upper Zambezi R., central east Angola and west Zambia. Approximate center of geographic distribution: Lubumbashi, extreme south DRC.


Any good images of opisthostictus would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


Kind regards, 
Yvonne & Tom

Eastern Africa Primate Diversity and Conservation Program, Nanyuki, Kenya

wildsolutions.nl / yvonne@wildsolutions.nl / tbutynski@aol.com

Edited by WildSolutions
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@WildSolutions I’ve got quite a few C. mitis photos from Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe but none of opisthostictus, looking at the map on your website, it’s most likely going to be anyone who’s been to northern Zambia who might have photos of this monkey. I’m slightly guessing that they’re not that easily seen in any of the locations that tourists in Zambia generally visit, out of interest I’ve just had a look for information and photos online, because I’m visiting Zambia in November, but I didn’t really find very much. They are apparently seen in Kasanka NP, I will be visiting there, but how often they’re seen I don’t know, if I do see any and get any photos, I’ll let you know.              

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Thank you inyathi! Yes please take some photos if you happen to see them when you visit Kasanka NP. I will also contact the Kasanka Baboon Project. 


Thanks! Yvonne

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I've seen "blue" monkeys in Nsumbu NP in Zambia but didn't have a photo opportunity, will try next time I get there. Also, once, I saw a blue monkey in South Luangwa, while standing on the opposite bank of the river so too far for a picture, but it was a very strange occurence there. A friend of mine used to work in Kasanka, I'll pass on your details. Looking at the map it seems they might also occur in the northern part of Kafue NP, maybe @KaingU Lodge knows more.


For others, here is the direct link to the map: http://wildsolutions.nl/photomaps/mitis/

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Thank you for the additional info and for passing the request on ForWildlife! Much appreciated!

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  • 6 months later...

@WildSolutionsAs promised, we looked for this blue monkey in Kasanka National Park, and sure enough we found some without too much difficulty in a patch of mushito forest, getting clear photos was tricky, these are the best ones I got.   










I'm sure my travelling companion Nate @offshorebirder will be willing to share his photos also


Zambia : An off the beaten track adventure in search of special birds and mammals


PM me and I will send you my shots



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I only had one shot come out adequately @inyathi and it is similar to one of your photos, but here it is:



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Actually, I dug up one more halfway decent photo @inyathi and @WildSolutions.   


This (apparently lactating?) female also had a single young with her that is not shown in the photos.



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A big thank you @inyathi and @offshorebirder! Your images are very helpful and appreciated. Can we use them on our Photographic Map  (http://wildsolutions.nl/photomaps/mitis/) for the species? We will fully acknowledge you of course.


Best, Yvonne :D



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Speaking for myself - yes of course @WildSolutions please feel free to use the images any way you find useful. 


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