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South Luangwa NP 8 day Safari - Aug 2019


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My wife and I did an multi-day safari in South Luangwa National Park late August. We had a really great experience and loved the park. The density of animals was really impressive and we loved that South Luangwa is not too crowded with safari vehicles. Our itinerary was a mix of traditional safari camps with game drives and a few days of walking safari and bush camping. Our itinerary was as follows:


Day 1,2 - Luangwa River Camp

Day 3 - Tena Tena Camp

Day 4,5 - Mobile Bush camping

Day 6,7,8 - Nsefu Camp


I wrote up a more detailed report that includes the majority of my photos and descriptions of each day. You can find that report here: https://backpackers-review.com/trip-reports/zambia-safari-south-luangwa-national-park/


Here are few pictures!

































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A really good report with excellent photos.

We stated at Nsefu did two nights walking safari then stayed at Tena Tena and loved it.

Your report brings back great memories!

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Welcome to the forum.  Great itinerary and great results.  Some exciting night drives.

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1 hour ago, TonyQ said:

A really good report with excellent photos.

We stated at Nsefu did two nights walking safari then stayed at Tena Tena and loved it.

Your report brings back great memories!

Thank you - my wife was the main photographer, so I'll give her kudos for the photos. It was a lot of fun going back through them when I put the report together. Brought back memories for me too even though we went just a few months ago. Agreed on Tena Tena and Nsefu... great camps with amazing views of the river. 



33 minutes ago, Atravelynn said:

Welcome to the forum.  Great itinerary and great results.  Some exciting night drives.

Thanks! Yes, we were very happy with our guides. They did a really nice job of putting us in position to see some great sightings.

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Good for you for starting with a trip report for your first posts here, and welcome to Safaritalk!  Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. 

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@jarteltA warm welcome on safaritalk and as Zambia is my favorite country you have my full attention ; grea

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@jartelt great night photos I was going to add before my message went to early online ! And those wild dogs and verreaux owl  ; in 7 months from now I will be there for the second time and I can't wait to return 

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Nice teaser photos (especially that leopard) and sounds good. Will definitely have a look at the full report later 

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Great trip report. I will go there in June. Liked your evening pictures a lot. Did the spotter use red or white lamps, or both?

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3 minutes ago, Biko said:

Great trip report. I will go there in June. Liked your evening pictures a lot. Did the spotter use red or white lamps, or both?


Most of the time the spotter used a white light. When we spotted the leopard hunting he switched to the red light briefly to confirm what was going on and then turned off all lights while we waited for the kill. After the kill, he went back to the white light.

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Nice photos, especially the lion with the Mohawk haircut. We have been to the Luangwa River Lodge and Tena Tena in October and saw this lion as well.

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Really enjoyed your detailed report @jartelt  - stayed at Tena Tena and Nsefu on a couple of occasions some years back. Isn't Nsefu superbly situated on the bend of the river?

Great sightings and some lovely scenic photos too.

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6 hours ago, Caracal said:

Really enjoyed your detailed report @jartelt  - stayed at Tena Tena and Nsefu on a couple of occasions some years back. Isn't Nsefu superbly situated on the bend of the river?

Great sightings and some lovely scenic photos too.

Yep, Nsefu sits above a bend in the river and provides some great views. Lots of hippos and then occasional elephant crossings nearby. 

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 I am still waiting to see my first wild dogs and when I went to Zambia first in 2014 at the Remote Africa Safari Camps sightings were rare but since then I have had reports of increasing presence and even denning ; was it your only view of them late august this year ?

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Just now, BRACQUENE said:


 I am still waiting to see my first wild dogs and when I went to Zambia first in 2014 at the Remote Africa Safari Camps sightings were rare but since then I have had reports of increasing presence and even denning ; was it your only view of them late august this year ?

We saw these three dogs on our last day in Zambia. Our guide said he saw the pack make a kill just outside the park a few days earlier (he was going to the airport and saw them along the road).  He was surprised the dogs came back to the park so quickly and figured they would have been still roaming outside the park. I think we were lucky they came back!

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Thanks for your response ; obviously you need a bit of luck to see them except perhaps in  Mana Pools , Laikipia and the Linyanti where sightings are more guaranteed  ; let's keep our fingers crossed for july next year !

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